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Štvrtok 16. Máj 2024 |
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Nájdených 45 článkov.

Here's what we know about Magic Leap so far

 26.02.2015 06:04 Google made a big splash when it threw its support behind Magic Leap with a $542 million investment last year. Immediately people began wondering what exactly Mountain View was so excited about that it was willing to drop half a billion dollars as pu......

What you need to know about HTTP/2

 25.02.2015 03:09 Look at the address bar in your browser. See those letters at the front, "HTTP"? That stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, the mechanism a browser uses to request information from a server and display webpages on your screen. A new version of the ......

It's about Time: Meet Pebble's new smartwatch

CNET 24.02.2015 18:00 A color screen, a microphone and a new timeline interface: it arrives this May, and here's what we think so far....

Ban foreigners without health insurance, says Ukip but what about Nigel Farage's not-so healthy beer

Home | Mail Online 23.02.2015 13:06 The Ukip leader will set out policies on improving the nation's health, including more dementia funding, scrapping hospital parking charges and hiring more nurses, midwives and GPs....

Lenovo Apologizes for Adware: What You Need to Know About Bloatware on Your New PC 19.02.2015 23:04 If you purchased a new Lenovo notebook late last year you might have adware preinstalled on your brand-new PC. Unfortunately, Lenovo isn't the only offender. The post Lenovo Apologizes for Adware: What You Need to Know About Bloatware on Your New PC appeared first on

Project Ara: Everything we know about Google's modular phone

CNET 19.02.2015 00:36 What exactly is a "modular phone" and why would you want one? We take a look at all the things we know -- and don't -- with this build-it-yourself smartphone design. ...

Morphology: "Electro jsme ve skutečnosti dělat nechtěli..." 18.02.2015 15:12 Slovo Morphology je spojeno s mnoha významy napříč obory. Jaký z nich vás ovlivnil natolik, že jste se podle něj pojmenovali a odkazujete na něj ve své hudbě? Paradoxní je, že jsme ve skutečnosti electro dělat nechtěli. Dostali jsme se k němu prakticky náhodou. Věnovali jsme se různým oblastem elektroniky, hlavně technu, dub t...

Mark Ruffalo On Mo-Cap And The Future Of The Hulk in Film

 17.02.2015 18:36 Where next for for Bruce Banner?As part of a week of interviews on with the cast of Avengers: Age Of Ultron, Mark Ruffalo dropped a few hints as to what might happen with his character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well as giving some encouraging detail about how the improvements in performance are making his hulking outs a...

Robert Downey Jr. Talks Captain America: Civil War

 17.02.2015 05:04 'It's Steve's story; it's not Iron Man 4: Civil War'To borrow from Paddington, the impending mayhem of Avengers: Age Of Ultron promises to leave the Marvelverse in its stickiest predicament yet. Stickier than the Loki-fuelled carnage of Avengers Assemble. Stickier than the dark conspiracies at work in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Stickier e...

What does Assad really think about Syria's civil war?

BBC News | Middle East | World Edition 15.02.2015 06:35 What does Syria's president really think about his country's civil war?...

What you need to know about Project Ara

CNET 13.02.2015 20:00 Here's what you need to know about Project Ara, a mobile with interchangeable components that slots together like Lego. ...

STEPHEN GLOVER: The Tories have much to boast about - so what idiocy to get into be with such spivs!

Home | Mail Online 12.02.2015 03:30 I simply cannot understand why the Conservatives, who should appeal to hard-working, decent people, should be publicly getting into bed with these multi- millionaire spivs, writes STEPHEN GLOVER....

What does YOUR sleep position say about your relationship?

Home | Mail Online 11.02.2015 00:01 A study into the most common sleep positions reveals 27 per cent of couples sleep back-to-back without touching, while only two per cent adopt the most intimate, intertwined face-to face 'lovers' pose...

Pretty Little Liars: Let's Talk About "Out, Damned Spot!"

 11.02.2015 03:35 What's your current read on Mike?...

Neill Blomkamp Talks More About His Alien Film Idea

 11.02.2015 13:08 'Fox would make it...'Last month, District 9 director N . Though he said on Twitter that he’d mostly been dreaming up the ideas as an exercise and an extension of his love for the world birthed in the movies, . Sitting down with Uproxx to talk about his latest film, sci-fi action comedy drama Chappie, he explained why he began throwing aroun...