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Sobota 15. Jún 2024 |
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Hľadané slová - ate

Nájdených 916 článkov.

Leteckí záchranári ZASAHOVALI: Muž po páde z rebríka utrpel otvorenú zlomeninu! 11.05.2023 18:31 Trenčianska posádka Vrtuľníkovej záchrannej zdravotnej služby Air Transport Europe zasahovala vo štvrtok dopoludnia v obci Vaďovce v okrese Nové Mesto nad Váhom. Informovala o tom ATE na sociálnej sieti....

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Shifty Sir Keir risks a coalition of chaos 

Home | Mail Online 10.05.2023 03:16 DAILY MAIL COMMENT: With it sinking in that Keir Starmer's party had failed to secure the decisive breakthrough they'd need to seize Downing Street, the burgundy-faced blowhard ate humble pie....

HOROR pri Nitre: 43-ročného pilčíka ZAVALIL STROM, zasahovať musel vrtuľník! 02.05.2023 16:45 V lese v katastrálnom území obce Žirany v okrese Nitra zasiahol padajúci strom 43-ročného lesného robotníka. Nehoda sa stala v utorok dopoludnia. Na mieste zasahovali pozemní záchranári i posádka Vrtuľníkovej záchrannej zdravotnej služby ATE zo strediska Nitra....

Pilčíka zasiahol padajúci strom, na pomoc mu išiel aj záchranársky vrtuľník z Nitry 02.05.2023 16:45 K úrazu lesného robotníka v katastri obce Žirany v okrese Nitra bol vyslaný i záchranársky vrtuľník z Nitry. Ako v tlačovej správe informovala hovorkyňa ATE ......

Richard E Grant reveals King Charles' final act of kindness towards ate wife Joan

Home | Mail Online 02.05.2023 15:30 Richard E Grant has revealed King Charles's act of kindness towards his late wife Joan before she died. ...

Mother 'stabbed her two-year-old daughter to death while reciting the alphabet then ATE her liver' 

Home | Mail Online 26.04.2023 19:00 WARNING: Contains distressing content. Olivia Naserian, 24, appeared in a Kenyan court today charged with killing young Glory Njeri before cutting open her body and eating parts of her organs....

DR CHRIS VAN TULLEKEN: What happened when I ate ultra processed food? Rapid weight gain...

Home | Mail Online 22.04.2023 12:00 The idea was to make ultra-processed food 80% of my diet, and then see whether it caused any changes in my body - such as increased weight gain....

Doctor ate ultra-processed food for a month in the name of science

Home | Mail Online 22.04.2023 02:45 Doctor Chris van Tulleken embarked on a month-long experiment, getting 80 per cent of his diet from ultra-processed food. And the results make for stomach-churning reading....

Pri Martine sa zrútil paraglajdista: Zachytil sa do stromov a spadol z výšky 7 metrov! 22.04.2023 15:45 Leteckí záchranári zo Žiliny leteli v piatok na pomoc 50-ročnému paraglajdistovi do oblasti Bystričky pri Martine. Po zachytení v korunách stromov sa mužovi podarilo vyslobodiť, spadol však na zem z výšky približne siedmich metrov. Podľa hovorkyne Vrtuľníkovej záchrannej zdravotnej služby ATE Zuzany Hopjakovej utrpel vážne p...

German house of horrors where cannibal killed and ate volunteer victim in famous case burns down

Home | Mail Online 17.04.2023 19:15 Armin Meiwes, 61, also known as the 'Cannibal of Rotenburg', killed engineer Bernd Juergen Brandes, 43, at the house, in the small town of Rotenburg an der Fulda, on 10th March 2001....

Woman adrift on river ate raw fish and defended husband's corpse from vultures 

Home | Mail Online 08.04.2023 00:45 When the boat's motor broke, Maria - who is unable to swim - was left to paddle her way to safety for days through a sea of killer caimans - alligator-like creatures that can grow up to 4ft long....

Carpet python in Pallara, Brisbane after eating two brush-tailed possum ahead of winter hibernation

Home | Mail Online 03.04.2023 08:45 The family in Pallara, in Brisbane's south, called snake catcher Bryce Lockett on Sunday to remove the python after it ate a mother and joey brush-tailed possum from a nearby possum box....

Woman who gorged on 24 packets of crisps a day loses SEVEN STONE after gastric sleeve surgery

Home | Mail Online 02.04.2023 23:15 Melissa Jones, 38, from Herefordshire, whose weight hit 19st after she ate 24 packs of crisps a day, lost seven stone after gastric sleeve surgery and is now spending £12,000 to remove loose skin....

Did Eve give Adam an apple - or a banana? Academic explores the bizarre etymology of foods

Home | Mail Online 31.03.2023 05:00 The actual fruit they ate was not named in Genesis, but some Jewish commentators on the Torah think it was the fig, and Michelangelo made it fig-like on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel....

Pope Francis: Health improving after night in hospital

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 30.03.2023 20:15 The Vatican says he ate breakfast, carried out work and read the newspapers on Thursday morning....