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Streda 1. Máj 2024 |
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Hľadané slová - channeling

Nájdených 54 článkov.

Amazon changes tax practices in Europe as investigations continue - WSJ | Bonds 25.05.2015 00:30 NEW YORK, May 24 - Inc has started booking revenue from retail sales in individual European countries, instead of channeling all sales through low-tax Luxembourg, the Wall Street... ...

Amazon changes tax practices in Europe as investigations continue - WSJ | Regulatory News 25.05.2015 00:08 NEW YORK, May 24 - Inc has started booking revenue from retail sales in individual European countries, instead of channeling all sales through low-tax Luxembourg, the Wall Street... ...

UK banks wrongly shunning customers in dash to cut risk, watchdog says | Regulatory News 10.02.2015 16:31 LONDON, Feb 10 - Banks are wrongly shunning some customers and need to take a more targeted approach to applying rules aimed at tackling money laundering and channeling cash to terrorists,... ...

A new D-Link Wi-Fi camera drops at CES 2015

CNET 05.01.2015 04:03 D-Link seems to be channeling Belkin WeMo with its new $120 Wi-Fi camera and optional bundled accessories. ...

Bryan Cranston reads our new favorite NSFW kids book

CNET 13.11.2014 01:00 Channeling his inner Walter White, everyone's favorite dad Bryan Cranston narrates the kids-book-for-parents "You Have to F**king Eat."...

Retro groove might be hippest 'Game of Thrones' theme cover yet

CNET 03.09.2014 21:03 Channeling Saul Bass, one of the world's greatest movie credit creators, a YouTuber produces an entrancing cover of the HBO show's opening tune....

Rozhovory s Nerudom - Interview V 31.08.2014 03:31 Nasleduje záznam sedenia s Dr. Nerudom zo dňa 2. januára 1998 po jeho dovolení nahrať odpovede na moje otázky. Toto je prepis tohto sedenia. Bola to jedna z piatich možností, kedy som mohla náš rozhovor nahrať a prepis je presnou kópiou rozhovoru. Nerobila som žiadne úpravy a snažila som sa použiť presne slová, výrazy a gramatiku...

Faktor Apopa a faktor Seta VII. 15.08.2014 20:36 "Počas niekoľkých tisícročí sa ľudia menili a s nimi aj návyky a postupy Seta. Pred jeho nástrahami sa nedá ukryť, nemožno ho zakázať, možno ho len usvedčiť, uvedomiť si podstatu jeho pôvodu a neviditeľného spojenia so svetom a s človekom, cez ktorého Set vplýva na vedomie más." Po porážke Gnostikov v kresťanskom ...

Smartisan's CEO wants to be the next 'Steve Jobs of China'

 11.08.2014 20:03  Xiaomi's regular channeling of Apple -- from its stage presentations all the way to disguising Aperture's icon as a phone's camera -- has earned its CEO Lei Jun the "Steve Jobs of China" nickname. Or rather, "Lei Bu Si," a Chinese combination of......