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Nedeľa 2. Jún 2024 |
meniny má Xénia

Hľadané slová - dyson

Nájdených 747 článkov.

Boris Johnson warns the BBC there must be no repeat of the Martin Bashir scandal

Home | Mail Online 22.05.2021 06:45 Sources close to UK Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden warned that the BBC's director-general Tim Davie and its chairman Richard Sharp had to 'really grip' the issue following the Dyson report....

BBC Panorama scandal: Ten questions STILL not answered about Bashir and the corporation

Home | Mail Online 22.05.2021 06:45 Lord Dyson's excoriating 127-page inquiry report was damning of the BBC but many questions remain. Here Chief Reporter SAM GREENHILL examines the most pressing....

STEPHEN GLOVER: How can Lord Clueless Tony Hall cling on to high office? 

Home | Mail Online 22.05.2021 06:45 STEPHEN GLOVER: Lord Dyson's response to the revelations of Bashir's perfidy was morally wanting. He also stands accused of being at the centre of a cover-up....

DAILY MAIL: Blinded by its pious hypocrisy, this was the BBC's greatest day of shame in a century 

Home | Mail Online 21.05.2021 06:30 'Lord Dyson's report into Martin Bashir's Panorama documentary with Princess Diana is truly excoriating. Yesterday, the unvarnished truth - buried for a quarter of a century - emerged.'...

Met Police will 'assess' bombshell report into Martin Bashir's Diana interview

Home | Mail Online 21.05.2021 14:45 Detectives from the Metropolitan Police are assessing Lord Dyson's report on the BBC's 1995 Panorama interview with Diana, Princess of Wales to assess if there is any new evidence....

BBC se omluvila za rozhovor s Dianou, podle bratra i Harryho vedl k její smrti 21.05.2021 14:30 Britská televizní stanice BBC se ve čtvrtek omluvila za způsob, jakým si v roce 1995 zajistila rozhovor s princeznou Dianou, v němž poprvé veřejně odhalila podrobnosti ze svého rozpadajícího se manželství s princem Charlesem. Podle nezávislého vyšetřování, které vedl bývalý soudce John Dyson, použil novinář Martin Bas...

Brazen Martin Bashir is still in denial: Ex-BBC man 'proud' of Princess Diana interview

Home | Mail Online 21.05.2021 06:30 Despite the findings of Lord Dyson's report, Martin Bashir, 58, insisted he was 'proud' of the 1995 interview and claimed his 'stupid' decision to fake bank statements did not influence her decision....

BBC se omluvila za rozhovor s Dianou, podle bratra i Harryho vedl k její smrti 21.05.2021 10:45 Britská televizní stanice BBC se ve čtvrtek omluvila za způsob, jakým si v roce 1995 zajistila rozhovor s princeznou Dianou, v němž poprvé veřejně odhalila podrobnosti ze svého rozpadajícího se manželství s princem Charlesem. Podle nezávislého vyšetřování, které vedl bývalý soudce John Dyson, použil novinář Martin Bas...

Dyson report revealed BBC attempted to mount cover-up over Martin Bashir interview

Home | Mail Online 21.05.2021 06:30 Lord Dyson's devastating report found that, as the scandal emerged, the BBC embarked on a cover-up and misled the press about the circumstances surrounding the explosive interview in 1995....

The damning documents: In key figures' own handwriting, the full Martin Bashir's story laid bare

Home | Mail Online 21.05.2021 06:30 Lord Dyson's report includes a litany of documents that expose Martin Bashir's lies and the BBC cover-up that followed. Among them are the forged bank statements....

Ministers threaten overhaul of BBC governance after Dyson report

Home | Mail Online 21.05.2021 14:45 Boris Johnson said he was 'obviously concerned' by Lord Dyson's findings about the corporation's conduct in the episode more than 25 years ago....

The master of dirty tricks: How rogue reporter Martin Bashir lured lonely Princess Diana to talk

Home | Mail Online 21.05.2021 06:30 Martin Bashir charmed, lied and forged his way to the global scoop that the BBC spent 25 years defending, Lord Dyson concluded....

Ex-BBC chief Lord Hall 'led cover-up over Martin Bashir's deception to secure Diana Panorama chat'

Home | Mail Online 20.05.2021 14:30 Earl Spencer, who has long campaigned for justice for his older sibling, has shared an image of himself and his sister Diana, as children ahead of the publication of Lord Dyson's 'Bashir' report....

Britská BBC se omluvila za rozhovor s princeznou Dianou, novinář prý využil lží a podvodů

Lidovky 20.05.2021 23:46 Britská televizní stanice BBC se ve čtvrtek omluvila za způsob, jakým si v roce 1995 zajistila rozhovor s princeznou Dianou, v němž poprvé veřejně odhalila podrobnosti ze svého rozpadajícího se manželství s princem Charlesem. Podle nezávislého vyšetřování, které vedl bývalý soudce John Dyson, použil novinář Martin Bashir ...

DAN WOOTTON: Does the BBC have their mother's blood on its hands?

Home | Mail Online 20.05.2021 22:30 DAN WOOTTON: Did the BBC kill Princess Diana? Not directly, no. But if you are Prince William or Harry reading Lord Dyson's report into Martin Bashir, you would be forgiven for asking that question....