Rozšírené hľadanie
Štvrtok 16. Máj 2024 |
meniny má Svetozár

Hľadané slová - free translator

Nájdených 190 článkov.

Brew free or die

CNET 09.05.2015 14:38 In light of Keurig's recent DRM reversal, we decided to revisit all of our single-serve coffee coverage to see which models have reusable My K-Cup-style coffee filters. ...

VIDEO: WHO: Ebola in Liberia 'now over'

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 09.05.2015 18:38 The World Health Organisation has declared Liberia free of Ebola, after the country reached the milestone of no new cases in 42 days....

"the Butterfly Effect" meets Aviation" - every 3rd Saturday | Sam 16th May - 16.05.2015 - Scotch Clu 08.05.2015 20:01 "THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT meets AVIATION" - every 3rd SATURDAY | SAM 16TH MAY THE NEW SATURDAY @ SOTCH CLUB Wer kennt es nicht? Was wäre wenn ... - den Typen/die Frau angesprochen hätte - ihr die Heimfahrt angeboten hätte - kein Vodka getrunken hätte und u...

Crave giveaway: Free 16GB computer memory boost from Crucial

CNET 08.05.2015 14:04 Adding more memory to your computer is one of the fastest ways to increase its performance. And giving away free memory is one of the fastest ways to make our readers happy. ...

Arms control and free speech go to court over 3D-printed guns

 08.05.2015 04:38 Cody Wilson fundamentally altered the way we produce and distribute firearms in 2013 when his company, Defense Distributed , first published the plans for a 3D-printed pistol, dubbed The Liberator, on its website. The State Department didn't take......

Amarin sues U.S. FDA on free speech grounds over off-label speech | US Markets 08.05.2015 00:09 May 7 - Amarin Corp Plc filed suit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday for restricting its right to promote its fish oil drug Vascepa for an unapproved, or off-label,... ...

Anthony Braxton, az amerikai free jazz nagy öregje a Müpában 07.05.2015 06:07 Az altszaxofon legkülönbözőbb dimenzióit feltáró, zeneszerzőként is kultikussá vált amerikai művész, Anthony Braxton május 17-én legújabb zenekarával lép fel a Művészetek Palotája Fesztivál Színházában. A dob nélküli Diamond Curtain Wall Quartetben kiemelt szerepet kap a komputerek által generált zene....

NeuG - generátor náhodných čísel od Free Software Foundation - zprávičky 07.05.2015 11:30 Nadace pro svobodný software představila generátor náhodných čísel NeuG. Tato svobodná implementace běží na mikrokontroléru STM32F103 a jeho velikost je srovnatelná s velikostí USB flash disku. Na rozdíl od pseudonáhodných generátorů, jenž......

Siobhan Yap offered a free meal out by Audi bosses runs up £700 bill

Home | Mail Online 07.05.2015 13:33 Siobhan Yap, 27, took her mother to a L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon in Covent Garden after the £20,000 A3 convertible she bought from the Audi Watford garage was damaged....

3 free utilities to make your computing life easier

CNET 07.05.2015 15:36 Get ready to work faster, smarter and better. These tools amp up your mouse, keyboard and clipboard. Plus: a $150 Windows hybrid. ...

PIERS MORGAN says free speech means he must defend Pamela Geller

Home | Mail Online 07.05.2015 23:01 Pamela Geller is a revolting human being. I despise everything about her, and everything she stands for. Yet I also support her right to free speech:...

The newest free movies available now

CNET 07.05.2015 23:05 We all know your life needs more Jean Claude Van Damme and Kevin Smith. You're in luck because you can watch them for free online. ...

Amarin sues U.S. FDA on free speech grounds over off-label speech | Regulatory News 07.05.2015 23:09 May 7 - Amarin Corp Plc filed suit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday for restricting its right to promote its fish oil drug Vascepa for an unapproved, or off-label,... ...

Street artist Julien de Casabianca urges classic portrait graffiti to 'set art free'

Home | Mail Online 06.05.2015 13:32 Artist Julien de Casabianca, from France, wants museum-goers to 'set portraits free' by photographing paintings and pasting the pictures on the streets of the city where they live....

Lollipop Rose - 22.05.2015 - Säulenhalle 06.05.2015 14:01  The Rose, the Lollipop und the Garden haben alle samt eines gemeinsam, am 22.5.2015 sind sie die Hauptdarsteller unserer nächsten Lollipop Party; welche dieses mal ganz im Zeichen der Farbe "PINK" statt finden wird. Neben diverser Feel Goodies haben wir uns auch ein Flirtspiel mit dem Namen " find the rose" überlegt. ...