Rozšírené hľadanie
Pondelok 3. Jún 2024 |
meniny má Karolína

Hľadané slová - isis

Nájdených 8642 článkov.

British Muslim convert, 15, who plotted knife terror attack at the Isle of Wight Festival and wrote his family a letter explaining why he was planning atrocity is convicted

Home | Mail Online 05.02.2024 22:16 The teenager planned to target the music event in 2022 after he 'adopted an Islamic extremist mindset', jurors were told, and became a supporter of ISIS ....

Núbijské pamiatky od Abu Simbel po Philae 04.02.2024 08:15 Pozoruhodná archeologická oblasť zahŕňa chrám Ramsesa II. v Abu Simbel a svätyňu bohyne Isis vo Philae.…...

Ra: pouť slunečního boha

Britské 22.01.2024 15:30 Myslím, že je zase na čase upozornit na tento pozoruhodný film : Film Ra: pouť slunečního Boha vznikal čtyři roky a byl kompletně natočen v Glasgow ve studiu Persistent Vision Animation, v té době jediném skotském animačním studiu. Film kombinuje tradiční animační techniky se speciálními optickými efekty a vytváří snov...

Outrage as Brit jailed for trying to join ISIS is freed: Wannabe Jihardi Shamim Ahmed yelled 'give me 20 years, I'll come out the enemy' to as judge as he was locked up and branded a danger

Home | Mail Online 21.01.2024 12:01 An east Londoner that was convicted for terror offences has been released from prison, despite warnings that he remains 'dangerous'....

David Beckham's DB Ventures 'waging multi-million pound war on fraudsters flogging fakes of his products online' - after company paid '£10M to mystery employee'

Home | Mail Online 19.01.2024 08:45 The former footballer, 48, who has put his name to clothing, fragrances and accessories is is seeking a whopping £1.58million from each seller flogging fakes to fans....

Two of Britain's most dangerous terrorists including top al-Qaeda chief who plotted mass murder and ISIS recruiter could be freed in months

Home | Mail Online 19.01.2024 08:45 Rangzieb Ahmed was caged after he was caught with a rucksack showing traces of explosives and Aras Mohammed Hamid was jailed for seven years in 2017 after radicalising a fellow British-based Kurd....

Američtí zpravodajci varují před rizikem, že Hizballáh zaútočí na USA

Britské 16.01.2024 04:15 Hizballáh má větší schopnost udeřit na území USA než jiné teroristické skupiny, jako je ISIS, píšou Lara Seligman a Erin Banco....

Rise of the female sharpshooters: Deadeye markswomen around the world from Ukraine's 'Joan of Arc' to the Kurdish heroine who cheated death taking on ISIS and America's first active female sniper

Home | Mail Online 14.01.2024 14:30 The US army announced its first female active-duty sniper in December. But in some parts of the world, women have long been crucial members of deadly sniper cells....

ISIS claims responsibility for Iran cemetery bloodbath that left nearly 100 dead

Home | Mail Online 04.01.2024 21:45 Two explosions tore through the southeastern city of Kerman yesterday where thousands had gathered to mark the four-year anniversary of Qassem Soleimani's killing....

UK government has no idea how many British jihadis are still in Syria, despite some of the most dangerous fanatics who left to join ISIS being among them

Home | Mail Online 22.12.2023 13:45 A quarter of the 'around 900' British citizens of 'national security concern' who have left to the region since 2013 are still yet to return, according to the Home Office ....

Slovenská manželka člena ISIS dostala od súdu podmienku, podporu terorizmu nevidel 20.12.2023 21:30  Na súde sa prehrávali videá zachytávajúce, ako sa syn a dcéra Slovenky hrajú na popravy zajatcov a na striedačku imitujú podrezávanie hlavy tomu druhému....

US reveals it's wiped out four ISIS terrorists and detained THIRTY-THREE during 40 missions in Iraq and Syria last month: Captured commandos include terror cell plotting to spring MORE jihadists from Middle East jails

Home | Mail Online 07.12.2023 19:16 Central Command said that last month they managed to kill three ISIS operatives, and detain 14 others while in Iraq as their work in the Middle East to eradicate ISIS continues....

ISIS terrorists claim responsibility for bomb attack on Catholic mass in Philippines which killed at least four and wounded dozens more

Home | Mail Online 04.12.2023 01:30 The blast happened during a regular service at Mindanao State University's gymnasium in Marawi, the country's largest Muslim city, with regional police Chief Allan Nobleza said....

Teror v dovolenkovém ráji: Výbuch na mši zabil čtyři lidi. K útoku se přihlásil ISIS 04.12.2023 02:45  Čtyři mrtvé a 50 zraněných si dnes vyžádal výbuch během katolické mše v Marawi na jihu Filipín. S odvoláním na místní úřady o tom informuje agentura DPA. Dnes odpoledne se k útoku prostřednictvím sítě Telegram přihlásila teroristická skupina Islámský stát a uvedla, že na místě odpálila bombu....

REVEALED: Children of British ISIS brides are being returned to UK in secret and put up for adoption

Home | Mail Online 04.12.2023 11:15 The children of British women that joined the Islamic State are being returned to the UK and put up for adoption, it has emerged....