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Hľadané slová - libya

Nájdených 1745 článkov.

Libya election: What’s the one thing women want from politicians?

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 15.12.2021 20:10 Five women share their hopes and concerns for Libya's first direct presidential polls....

Líbya odložila zverejnenie zoznamu kandidátov prezidentských volieb - Zahraničie 12.12.2021 01:45 Prezidentské voľby sú vypísané na 24. decembra....

How Bangladeshis are lured into slavery in Libya

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 08.12.2021 07:30 A 19-year-old tells of his harrowing ordeal at the hands of traffickers who tricked him and his parents....

Líbya: Súd obnovil Kaddáfího synovi kandidatúru na prezidenta - Zahraničné správy 03.12.2021 14:15  O prezidentský úrad sa uchádzajú tiež dočasný líbyjský premiér Abdal Hamíd Dubajba....

Manchester Arena inquiry shown images of Abedi family posing with machine guns

Home | Mail Online 23.11.2021 16:45 One photo shows Ismail and Ramadan Abedi, the elder brother and father of suicide bomber Salman Abedi carrying guns in Libya. In another, Ismail Abedi points to a book about Isis at a bookshop....

Líbya má ďalšieho kandidáta na prezidenta: Predseda dočasného parlamentu sľubuje demokraciu

Č 18.11.2021 08:15 Predseda líbyjského parlamentu Akíla Sálih Ísá v stredu oznámil, že vo voľbách hlavy štátu naplánovaných na 24. decembra sa bude uchádzať o funkciu prezidenta....

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi: Son of Libya ex-ruler runs for president

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 14.11.2021 23:30 Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, wanted on war crimes charges at an international court, registers as a candidate....

Libya: Row over attempt to suspend foreign minister Najla El-Mangoush

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 07.11.2021 12:30 There has been political infighting after comments she made to the BBC about the 1988 Lockerbie bombing....

Lockerbie bombing: Libya could work with US on extradition

BBC News | Middle East | World Edition 04.11.2021 00:00 Its foreign minister is "positive" in the case of a man wanted by the US over the 1988 plane bombing....

Lockerbie bombing: Libya could work with US on extradition

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 04.11.2021 04:30 Its foreign minister is "positive" in the case of a man wanted by the US over the 1988 plane bombing....

Libya: Thousands of migrants and refugees camp on UN's doorstep

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 01.11.2021 05:30 Thousands of people are on the streets after fleeing overcrowded detention centres in Libya's capital....

Mother of Manchester Arena bomber pocketed more than £17,000 in benefits after leaving Britain 

Home | Mail Online 31.10.2021 02:00 Despite returning to her native Libya in October 2016, terrorist sympathiser Samia Tabbal continued to receive about £2,500 a month in housing and child benefit and work and tax credits....

Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi's parents living in Libya

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 26.10.2021 07:45 Ramadan Abedi and his wife Samia Tabbal are under surveillance by Libyan authorities, the BBC confirms....

Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi's parents 'are keeping a low profile in Libya'

Home | Mail Online 26.10.2021 15:30 Ramadan Abedi and Samia Tabbal left the UK for Libya four weeks before their son carried out the deadly 2017 suicide bombing, which killed 22 people and injured hundreds of others....

Pápež František vyzval krajiny, aby nevracali migrantov do nebezpečných krajín - Zahraničné 24.10.2021 17:30 VATIKÁN - Pápež František vyzval v nedeľu krajiny, aby neposielali migrantov späť do krajín s nestabilnou situáciou akou je napríklad Líbya. Podľa pápeža v týchto krajinách mnohí migranti čelia násiliu a neľudským podmienkam podobným tým v koncentračných táboroch, informovala agentúra Reuters....