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Piatok 10. Máj 2024 |
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Hľadané slová - Mafia wars

Nájdených 173 článkov.

Star Wars Battlefront vyjde s 12 mapami a novou planétou Sullust 05.05.2015 07:30 DICE konečne prezradili presný počet máp, ktoré ponúkne už pri vydaní. Jednu z nich nám ukazujú už teraz...

Sims 4 sa rozšíril o nové kostýmy postáv zo Star Wars 05.05.2015 07:30 EA sa rozhodlo osláviť Star Wars deň sériou kostýmov postáv z tejto slávnej série...

Second Star Wars Anthology Film Reportedly About Boba Fett

 05.05.2015 06:05 And it still needs a directorThe character has been the subject of rumours ever since Disney and Lucasfilm announced a series of stand-alone Star Wars films to run in between The Force Awakens and the other main episodes of the new trilogy. Now, according to The Wrap, .Until there is an official confirmation, however, we’re duty bound to s...

New Images Of The Force Awakens' Adam Driver And Lupita Nyong'o

 05.05.2015 06:05 Plus news on Episode VIII's shooting plansMay the fourth seems like the right day to be publicising new pictures and details from this December’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which is why Vanity Fair picked it to run some images from its big cover feature shot by star photographer Annie Leibovitz, who visited the set last year. Among the in...

'The Force Awakens' releases more cast photos and info

CNET 05.05.2015 03:06 On today's show, Khail and Ashley check out the newest batch of pictures from "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," explain how Elon Musk wants to change the way we use electricity in our homes and learn more about Jeff Bezos' recent spacecraft launch. ...

'The Force Awakens' releases more cast photos and info

CNET 05.05.2015 03:06 On today's show, Khail and Ashley check out the newest batch of pictures from "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," explain how Elon Musk wants to change the way we use electricity in our homes and learn more about Jeff Bezos' recent spacecraft launch. ...

Szebben nem is lehetett volna ünnepelnie a Star Wars napot, mint egy 800 dolláros LEGO csillagrombol 05.05.2015 02:12 ...

Fan's daily 'Star Wars' comic makes every day May the Fourth

CNET 05.05.2015 02:01 A dedicated fan draws a "Star Wars" comic and posts it daily on Twitter to celebrate his love for Jedi masters, droids, Sith Lords, Stormtroopers and more....

'Star Wars' fan shows love with impressive daily comic

CNET 05.05.2015 02:01 How much does artist George Folz love "Star Wars"? Enough to draw a daily comic and share it on Twitter. For May the Fourth, we round up some of our favorites of the bunch....

Thumbs-up: Bill Nye explains 'Star Wars' holograms using emoji

CNET 05.05.2015 00:01 How do holograms work? Why don't we have holograms as they were imagined in "Star Wars"? Watch Bill Nye answer all your hologram-related questions using emoji. ...

Salmanov’s liaisons 05.05.2015 07:34 WHENEVER the “Slovak mafia” came up in conversation, Sergej Salmanov would sneer. “Mafia,” he would scorn. “This is not mafia, this is children. Real mafia is in Russia.”...

"Balkánske" Čerešne rozdelili Slovákov: Mafia Corner sprznil klasiku Jara Filipa 05.05.2015 10:06 Po coververzii hitu F. K. Veselého Jaj Zuzka, Zuzička producentský projekt Mafia Corner opäť siahol na slovenské kultúrne dedičstvo a vyvolal ešte väčšiu kontroverziu. Obľúbená skladba Čerešne, ktorú preslávila Hana Hegerová, sa ocitla v úplne inej, tanečnejšej dimenzii. Podľa mnohých fanúšikov si to Jaro Filip nezaslúž...

Deflation Wars: nová naděje - zprávy 05.05.2015 10:08 Ještě poznámka k inflaci EMU: stačilo, aby se celková inflace dostala v dubnu ze záporu k nule, a už se objevují komentáře, že hrozba deflace je odvrácena. Jakoby se zapomnělo, že pokles inflace pod nulu byl nyní způsoben poklesem cen ropy....

Scenárista z Bioware: Rád by som pracoval na novom Star Wars RPG 05.05.2015 17:15 David Gaider z Bioware tak reagoval na tweet jedného z fanúšikov, ktorý by si želal nové Star Wars RPG. Ako však ďalej píše, zatiaľ môže o niečom takom iba snívať....

VIDEO: Nezabudnuteľné Filipove Čerešne sú späť - a tancujú!

 05.05.2015 16:31 Ruku k dielu priložili Mafia Corner, Nika Karch o Suvereno...