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Utorok 18. Jún 2024 |
meniny má Vratislav

Hľadané slová - namibia

Nájdených 409 článkov.

Tokyo Olympics: Namibian athlete says 'You can't tell me now I am not a woman'

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 01.08.2021 18:46 Namibia's Beatrice Masilingi is excited to compete at the Olympics despite being forced out of the 400m due to high levels of testosterone....

British billionaire who 'shot his employee during fight over daughter-in-law' freed on £25k bail

Home | Mail Online 20.07.2021 18:30 Harvey Boulter is accused of murdering Gerhard van Wyk after allegedly offering to allow his son Gerhard Jnr to live on his vast estate in Namibia in return for sex with his new wife Liani....

Covid in Namibia: 'Fifteen of my relatives have died'

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 15.07.2021 05:45 Namibia is suffering one of the world's worst outbreaks of Covid, as ex-footballer Marley Ngarizemo can testify....

All but TWO of the countries on UK's 'amber' travel list has fewer Covid cases than the UK right now

Home | Mail Online 13.07.2021 18:31 EXCLUSIVE: Britain's rapid rise in Covid cases means it now beats almost all of the countries on its red Covid travel list in terms of daily infections: Mongolia, the Seychelles, Tunisia and Namibia....

Covid in Namibia: Mortuaries at capacity

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 30.06.2021 18:47 President Hage Geingob says the country faces a "sombre moment" as coronavirus deaths rapidly rise....

V Afrike sa boja indického scenára. V Kongu covid zabil 30 poslancov parlamentu

 24.06.2021 12:16 Africké štáty, ako Uganda, Zambia, Namíbia, Juhoafrická republika či Kongo, zažívajú silnú epidémiu covidu, mnohých chorých nemocnice nevezmú....

Viewpoint: Why Germany's Namibia genocide apology is not enough

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 01.06.2021 05:15 Germany is sorry for the massacres but the lack of reparations has angered targeted communities....

Viewpoint: Why Germany's Namibia genocide apology is not enough

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 01.06.2021 04:15 Germany is sorry for the massacres but the lack of reparations has angered targeted communities....

Namíbia privítala, že Nemecko uznalo páchanie genocídy - Zahraničie 28.05.2021 16:15 Historici označujú udalosti v Namíbií za prvú genocídu 20. storočia....

Germany officially recognises colonial-era Namibia genocide

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 28.05.2021 13:00 Foreign Minister Heiko Maas asks for forgiveness for atrocities and announces financial aid package....

Germany officially recognises colonial-era Namibia genocide

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 28.05.2021 11:30 Foreign Minister Heiko Maas asks for forgiveness for atrocities and announces financial aid package....

Blue whale beaches in Africa 'for the first time EVER': Huge 60ft carcass washes up in Namibia

Home | Mail Online 30.04.2021 18:31 The 60ft blue whale carcass drifted ashore near Walvis Bay, Namibia on Tuesday. Local authorities were alerted and are planning to move the body, which had several injuries....

Germany and Namibia: What's the right price to pay for genocide?

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 01.04.2021 02:14 Germany is set to apologise to Namibia for a genocide more than 100 years ago - and to pay an as yet unknown amount of money....

Germany and Namibia: What's the right price to pay for genocide?

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 01.04.2021 02:13 Germany is set to apologise to Namibia for a genocide more than 100 years ago - and to pay an as yet unknown amount of money....

Africa's fairy circle mystery is finally solved in new study

Home | Mail Online 17.02.2021 14:06 South African experts have finally identified the cause of fairy circles, which are scattered throughout the grassy desert of Namibia and have puzzled the scientific community for decades....