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Hľadané slová - opensolaris

Nájdených 14 článkov.

OS Release: OpenIndiana 2022.10

 05.12.2022 00:00 OpenIndiana is a continuation of the OpenSolaris operating system. The project's latest version is OpenIndiana 2022.10. The new release features a number of package changes, including upgrades to Perl and Python. The release announcement reads: "We have merged more than 2500 PR’s with fixes, updates and new packages.......

OS Release: OpenIndiana 2021.04

 02.05.2021 04:45 OpenIndiana is a continuation of the OpenSolaris operating system. The project's latest release is 2021.04 which includes updates for key desktop applications, development tools, and hardware drivers. "We have updated firefox and Thunderbird to newer ESR versions . This was overdue and has been requested by.......

OS Release: OpenIndiana 2020.04

 05.05.2020 16:35 OpenIndiana is a community project which maintains a continuation of OpenSolaris. The project's latest release, OpenIndiana Hipster 2020.04, migrates from Python 2 to Python 3 and upgrades the compiler to the GNU Compiler Collection 7. The release announcement reports: "We have released a new OpenIndiana Hipster snapshot 2020.04........

OpenIndiana 2019.10 11.12.2019 08:34 Komunita vývojárov snažiaca sa o pokračovanie projektu OpenSolaris vydala novú verziu distribúcie OpenIndiana, ktorá je zaujímavým unixovým operačným systémom....

OS Release: OpenIndiana 2019.10

 07.11.2019 17:31 OpenIndiana is a continuation of the OpenSolaris operating system. OpenIndiana is part of the Illumos Foundation, and provides a true open-source community alternative to Solaris 11 and Solaris 11 Express, with an open development model and full community participation. The project's latest release, OpenIndiana Hipster 2019.10, migrates some.......

OS Release: OpenIndiana 2019.04

 12.05.2019 15:42 Alexander Pyhalov has announced the release of OpenIndiana 2019.04, the latest stable build of the project's open-source operating system, originally forked from the discontinued OpenSolaris project. This version integrates VirtualBox packages into the operating system and updates many packages, including the MATE desktop and the Firefox browser: "...

OS Release: OpenIndiana 2018.10

 24.10.2018 11:31 Alexander Pyhalov has announced the release of OpenIndiana 2018.10, a new snapshot of the project's open-source operating system built from the ashes of Oracle's defunct OpenSolaris. This version updates the MATE desktop and most other applications to newer versions and provides various improvements to the Illumos kernel: "We.......

OS Release: OpenIndiana 2018.04

 28.04.2018 19:30 Alexander Pyhalov has announced the release of a new version of OpenIndiana, an open source operating system which is a continuation of OpenSolaris. The new version, OpenIndiana 2018.04, features a rebuilt userland using version 6 of the GNU Compiler Collection. The GNOME 2 desktop has been removed in.......

OmniOS, pohrobek OpenSolaris, našel vývojářskou komunitu

BusinessIT 17.07.2017 06:39 Softwarový svět málem přišel o jednu z mála distribucí, jež navazují na kdysi slavný operační systém OpenSolaris. Vývoj jednoho z jeho nástupců s názvem OmniOS převzala švýcarská organizace OmniOS Community Edition Association. Firma OmniTI, zakladatel projektu, letos v dubnu oznámila, že s další výraznější podporou...

OS Release: OpenIndiana 2017.04

 03.05.2017 15:16 OpenIndiana is an open source operating system based on Illumos which continues the tradition of OpenSolaris. The OpenIndiana project has published a new release, version 2017.04. The new version includes support for USB 3.0, the MATE 1.16 desktop and an updated Xorg server. "The most notable change for.......

OpenIndiana 2016.04 Hipster je posledním 32bitovým vydáním - zprávičky 25.04.2016 12:31 Projekt OpenIndiana, který je pokračovatelem projektu OpenSolaris, vydal novou verzi svého otevřeného operačního systému. Hlavní novinky se týkají vylepšení balíčkovacího systému, povýšení GCC na 4.9 a nových verzi serverových balíčků......

Distribution Release: OpenIndiana 2016.04

 22.04.2016 21:33 The OpenIndiana project, which is a continuation of OpenSolaris, has released a new version of the community-maintained operating system. The new release offers a number of improvements to package management and includes several package updates to such desktop applications as Firefox, Thunderbird and VLC. "New nlipkg zone.......

OpenIndiana Hipster 2015.10: open-source Solaris žije - zprávičky 05.10.2015 10:33 Je to už pět let, co Oracle zrušil OpenSolaris a komunita se projektu chopila vlastníma rukama a pokračuje v něm pod názvem OpenIndiana. Nyní vyšla nová verze „Hipster“ 15.10. Vylepšuje textový instalátor, mění Oracle JDK/JRE za OpenJDK a......

Development Release: OpenIndiana 2015.10

 04.10.2015 05:35 Alexander Pyhalov has announced the release of OpenIndiana 2015.10, the latest update of the distribution originally forked from the now-defunct OpenSolaris operating system: "So, after half a year we have a new ISO image. We synced IPS with the Everycity version, which includes Oracle updates and fixes necessary.......