Rozšírené hľadanie
Sobota 4. Máj 2024 |
meniny má Florián

Hľadané slová - oracle

Nájdených 4532 článkov.

Oracle7: ELSA-2024-12271: kernel Important Security Update 10.04.2024 20:30 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 7 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:...

Oracle7: ELSA-2024-12274: kernel-container Important Security Update 10.04.2024 20:30 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 7 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:...

Oracle7: ELSA-2024-12270: kernel Important Security Update 10.04.2024 20:30 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 7 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:...

Oracle7: ELSA-2024-12270: kernel Important Security Update 10.04.2024 20:30 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 7 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:...

Microsoft spustil užšiu spoluprácu s Oracle, púšťa ho do Azure

Peter Belko 09.04.2024 04:00 Microsoft na prelome mesiacov oznámil, že bude podporovať softvér od Oracle vo svojej cloudovej službe Windows Azure a pre Hyper-V server. Dvaja lídri na trhu a konkurenti tak vytvorili partnerstvo, ktorého výsledkom je prepojenie technológií....

Tento týden nabídne dividendy od Oracle, AT&T, AbbVie, Verizon a spousty dalších - zprávy 08.04.2024 17:45 Wall Street čeká tento pátek zahájení další výsledkové sezóny, která by primárně měla v následujících týdnech ovlivňovat směrování trhů. Tradičně se prvotně představí finanční instituce, jako JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, State Street či BlackRock....

Oracle8: ELSA-2024-1601: curl Moderate Security Update 05.04.2024 11:00 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 8 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:...

Oracle8: ELSA-2024-1608: opencryptoki Moderate Security Update 05.04.2024 11:00 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 8 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:...

Oracle8: ELSA-2024-1615: expat security Moderate Security Update 05.04.2024 11:00 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 8 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:...

Oracle8: ELSA-2024-1610: less security Moderate Security Update 05.04.2024 11:00 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 8 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:...

Oracle8: ELSA-2024-1644: grafana-pcp Important Security Update 05.04.2024 11:00 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 8 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:...

Oracle8: ELSA-2024-1646: grafana Important Security Update 05.04.2024 11:00 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 8 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:...

Oracle8: ELSA-2024-12256: kernel Important Security Update 03.04.2024 16:15 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 8 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:...

Oracle8: ELSA-2024-12260: kernel-container Important Security Update 03.04.2024 16:15 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 8 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:...

Oracle7: ELSA-2024-12257: kernel Important Security Update 03.04.2024 16:15 The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 7 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:...