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Streda 12. Jún 2024 |
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Hľadané slová - skin

Nájdených 5573 článkov.

Best Silk Pillowcases for 2024 - CNET

CNET 01.05.2024 12:46 Switching to silk pillowcases is a great way to stay cool while protecting your hair and skin. These are our picks for best silk pillowcases of 2024....

Scientists uncover why at least 100 dead bodies have naturally mummified in Colombian town since 1960s

Home | Mail Online 30.04.2024 04:00 Naturally mummified bodies were discovered in San Bernardo in Colombia. The bodies still had their skin tissue, nails and hair and appeared to just be sleeping, 30 years after they were buried....

The cancer drugs that could improve survival rates if given to patients in the morning

Home | Mail Online 30.04.2024 04:00 A study has found that people with terminal lung or skin cancers lived twice as long if they received ­immunotherapy drugs - at the start of the day instead of after lunchtime....

The end of childhood jabs? Vaccines can be given through 'plasters' which painlessly penetrate the skin

Home | Mail Online 30.04.2024 04:00 A landmark trial in The Gambia found the patches - which painlessly penetrate the skin - were just as effective as injections against measles and rubella....

Doctor, 56, who was accused of sexually assaulting three colleagues weeps as he's cleared of string of attacks - after father-of-two told trial he was 'shocked out of my skin' by the allegations

Home | Mail Online 30.04.2024 04:00 Brian Kubwalo, who was a gynaecologist at Wirral's Arrowe Park Hospital, was accused of putting his hand down the trousers of one woman, touching one on the leg and another on the bottom....

Mother warns parents about dangers of Britain's most dangerous plant after burn doctors were forced to take boy's skin off after he brushed up against Giant Hogweed

Home | Mail Online 29.04.2024 06:46 Kayvon Wright developed red spots on his face and hands the morning after walking with his mum near Chard Reservoir in Somerset, England....

Going grey? Our beauty expert reveals the one makeup trick to make you look younger

Home | Mail Online 29.04.2024 06:46 UK beauty expert Hannah Betts says pastels can feel not only very 2024, but extremely flattering - not least against grey hair, bringing not only light, but soft, glowing colour to paler skin tones....

You don't need great legs, good skin - or even have to shave. Our fashion expert reveals the one item of clothing that REALLY is age-proof

Home | Mail Online 28.04.2024 19:00 Everyone has their fashion crushes, don't they? I mean those items of clothing that make your heart flip because of all the memories....

Nutritionists reveal the best FOODS to eat if you want to eradicate acne and get glowing skin

Home | Mail Online 27.04.2024 00:45 They say you are what you eat, and according to nutritionists, it's really true - some foods can have a huge effect on your skin, and especially your acne....

Humza Yousaf vows he WON'T quit before crunch confidence vote as he surfaces hours after cancelling speech - with JK Rowling jibing 'Karma's a TERF' as SNP leader faces pressure to back down on gender ID to save his skin

Home | Mail Online 27.04.2024 00:45 Humza Yousaf today insisted he will not quit before a crunch confidence vote as he surfaced hours after cancelling a keynote speech....

BBC presenter Clare Runacres says news of 'game-changer' melanoma jab left her 'in tears', after she was told she had skin cancer at 20, and had to plan 'her wedding and funeral at the same time' when it returned nine years later

Home | Mail Online 27.04.2024 00:45 The BBC Radio broadcaster was 20 when she was told she had skin cancer. On X today, she said the news that a new jab might dramatically boost skin cancer survival had left her emotional....

Humza Yousaf 'cancels speech' as he desperately battles to stave off confidence vote - with JK Rowling jibing that 'Karma's a TERF' as SNP leader faces backing down on gender ID to save his skin

Home | Mail Online 26.04.2024 14:30 Humza Yousaf is frantically battling to cling on with a confidence vote looming next week, and the odds seemingly stacked against his survival....

How DOES the pioneering skin cancer vaccine work? When will patients be able to get hold of it? And could it really be a cure for deadly melanoma? All your questions answered...

Home | Mail Online 26.04.2024 14:30 Brits could be just over a year away from receiving a 'game-changer' jab on the NHS to treat one of the deadliest forms of skin cancer....

Toxic chemicals used in laptops, baby seats and smartphones can easily pass through human skin and leach into bloodstream, scientists show for first time

Home | Mail Online 25.04.2024 08:00 Scientists found that flameproofing chemicals called PBDEs, found in everyday products, can permeate the skin and make their way into the bloodstream, where they cause health problems....

Cambridge student, 28, tortured to death after he was mistaken for a spy had legs, arms, seven ribs and every finger broken, severe burns and was slashed all over his body with a razor 'by Egyptian security officers'

Home | Mail Online 25.04.2024 18:00 Giulio Regeni's body also had multiple stab wounds on the soles of his feet, slices in his skin made from a sharp object suspected to be a razor blade and several cigarette burns....