Rozšírené hľadanie
Pondelok 13. Máj 2024 |
meniny má Servác

Hľadané slová - syntax

Nájdených 121 článkov.

Java zavádza markdown syntax do komentárov - zprávičky 03.05.2024 01:00 JavaDoc komentáre slúžia na dokumentáciu kódu pre vývojárov a na automatické vygenerovanie dokumentácie vo forme HTML súborov. Ide o mix HTML značiek a špeciálnych @ Java tagov vnorených vo viacriadkových komentároch....

Users of Adminer 3.7.1 and older might have been hacked

PHP triky 28.03.2024 13:00 An attacker from an IP address was able to modify the file which was used by Adminer version 3.7.1 and older for syntax highlighting. The file was modified from 2020-12-29 17:34 GMT to 2020-12-30 ......

Java zavádza string templates - zprávičky 23.03.2024 03:46 Interpolácia reťazcov je populárna syntax pre dynamickú tvorbu reťazcov. Väčšina moderných programovacích jazykov podporuje interpoláciu v nejakej podobe....

Java 21 zjednodušuje metódu main - zprávičky 06.10.2023 21:45 Najnovšia verzia Javy prináša drobnú novinku. Je ňou možnosť definovania zjednodušenej metódy main. Túto novinku nájdeme v dokumente JEP 445 pod názvom Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods. Nová syntax je zatiaľ dostupná ako preview v poslednej verzii Java 21....

Users of Adminer 3.7.1 and older might have been hacked

PHP triky 19.03.2023 10:30 An attacker from an IP address was able to modify the file which was used by Adminer version 3.7.1 and older for syntax highlighting. The file was modified from 2020-12-29 17:34 GMT to 2020-12-30 ......

Users of Adminer 3.7.1 and older might have been hacked

PHP triky 18.01.2023 07:30 An attacker from an IP address was able to modify the file which was used by Adminer version 3.7.1 and older for syntax highlighting. The file was modified from 2020-12-29 17:34 GMT to 2020-12-30 ......

Users of Adminer 3.7.1 and older might have been hacked

PHP triky 16.11.2022 09:45 An attacker from an IP address was able to modify the file which was used by Adminer version 3.7.1 and older for syntax highlighting. The file was modified from 2020-12-29 17:34 GMT to 2020-12-30 ......

Users of Adminer 3.7.1 and older might have been hacked

PHP triky 15.09.2022 08:00 An attacker from an IP address was able to modify the file which was used by Adminer version 3.7.1 and older for syntax highlighting. The file was modified from 2020-12-29 17:34 GMT to 2020-12-30 ......

Users of Adminer 3.7.1 and older might have been hacked

PHP triky 14.07.2022 01:30 An attacker from an IP address was able to modify the file which was used by Adminer version 3.7.1 and older for syntax highlighting. The file was modified from 2020-12-29 17:34 GMT to 2020-12-30 ......

Users of Adminer 3.7.1 and older might have been hacked

PHP triky 12.05.2022 03:31 An attacker from an IP address was able to modify the file which was used by Adminer version 3.7.1 and older for syntax highlighting. The file was modified from 2020-12-29 17:34 GMT to 2020-12-30 ......

Users of Adminer 3.7.1 and older might have been hacked

PHP triky 10.03.2022 02:45 An attacker from an IP address was able to modify the file which was used by Adminer version 3.7.1 and older for syntax highlighting. The file was modified from 2020-12-29 17:34 GMT to 2020-12-30 ......

Users of Adminer 3.7.1 and older might have been hacked

PHP triky 07.01.2022 23:45 An attacker from an IP address was able to modify the file which was used by Adminer version 3.7.1 and older for syntax highlighting. The file was modified from 2020-12-29 17:34 GMT to 2020-12-30 ......


 20.10.2021 20:01 Syntax Věta, výpověď, věta jednočlenná, dvojčlenná Věta abstraktně míněná jazyková jednotka nezakotvená v komunikační situaci nejčastější forma slovního vyjádření myšlenky, výpovědi věta má stránku mluvnickou – ......

Debian LTS: DLA-2773-1: curl security update> 01.10.2021 01:15 Two issues have been found in curl, a command line tool and an easy-to-use client-side library for transferring data with URL syntax....

Users of Adminer 3.7.1 and older might have been hacked

PHP triky 06.09.2021 21:31 An attacker from an IP address was able to modify the file which was used by Adminer version 3.7.1 and older for syntax highlighting. The file was modified from 2020-12-29 17:34 GMT to 2020-12-30 ......