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Nedeľa 19. Máj 2024 |
meniny má Gertrúda

Hľadané slová - ufo nad slivenskom

Nájdených 4192 článkov.

Konec Seana Kirkpatricka. Šéf kanceláře Pentagonu pro výzkum UFO rezignoval

Živě.cz 11.11.2023 05:00 Sean Kirkpatrick rezignoval na funkci šéfa All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office , kterou zastával necelých 18 měsíců. Podle dostupných informací ho nahradí jeho zástupce Tim Phillips – minimálně do doby, než Pentagon jmenuje nového ředitele. Není bez zajímavosti, že Kirkpatrick se rozhodl ......

UFO hunter who has studied 'alien' mummy for over a decade claims remains are an ancient species of tiny, cave-dwelling human

Home | Mail Online 11.11.2023 16:00 The businessman who bought the tiny 'alien' skeleton told Spain's Mitele TV his 'alien' mummy might be from a lost race, that lived beside Chile's Aymara people...

Air Force officer breaks silence on 'red, glowing UFO the size of a football field' hovering at low altitude over US space launch base in California - in event witnessed by over half a dozen military personnel: 'People were screaming and scared'

Home | Mail Online 10.11.2023 00:00 An ex-Air Force security officer said he investigated two sightings of a 100-yard UFO witnessed by Boeing contractors and Air Force police on October 14, 2003 at the launch site...

Pentagon UFO boss says strange sightings are either 'aliens' or a foreign power - and he hopes it's extraterrestrials

Home | Mail Online 10.11.2023 20:01 'If we don't prove it's aliens,' the Pentagon's UFO chief said, 'then what we're finding is evidence of other people doing stuff in our backyard and that's not good.'...

Mummified 'alien' bodies are brought back to Mexico's congress for second time by journalists and doctors with new evidence to prove 'they are real'

Home | Mail Online 09.11.2023 03:45 Mexico's Congress heard the second form on extraterrestrial life, which saw UFO investigators and medical experts use new evidence to prove corpse found in Peru are real bodies....

Bratislavské UFO nie je jediné v Európe 08.11.2023 15:45 Monument Buzludža je ukrytý v horách v srdci Bulharska....

Inside the weird and wonderful world of Robbie Williams and Ayda Field: How the former Take That star went from 90s hellraiser to new-age vegan UFO hunter… with the help of his wife

Home | Mail Online 04.11.2023 20:02 Williams' hell-raising rock star life is well and truly behind him - and his wife of 13 years Ayda Field has played a huge part in him turning his life around....

EXCLUSIVE: New analysis of 200ft 'saucer-shaped object' spotted over the Andes Mountains in 2010 finds it is 'a genuine UFO': 'We're getting closer to the truth,' scientists say

Home | Mail Online 28.10.2023 06:30 An image showing the sun shining through white clouds over the Andes Mountains also features a band of reddish clouds encasing a 'a seemingly massive saucer-shaped object.'...

UFO od Subaru a obří robot pro pět vyvolených. Nejlepší kreace tokijského autosalonu – auto 26.10.2023 20:01 V Tokiu začal tradiční autosalon, nově veletrh mobility. Nabízí auta, vznášedla i obří roboty....

UFO hunters say they've finally solved Pentagon's 'metallic orb' sighting - which they tracked to war-torn Syria

Home | Mail Online 26.10.2023 23:31 Independent researchers suspect the 'orb' was a balloon let go during an Islamic holiday. But one ex-Pentagon official accused the military of hiding better UFO cases...

Interactive map reveals locations of UK's 900 UFO sightings in last two years - as ex-MoD alien hunter says ministers MUST take threat seriously

Home | Mail Online 22.10.2023 17:45 Alien hunter Nick Pope, who ran the Ministry of Defence's UFO project in the 1990s before it was disbanded, said it was 'outrageous' ministers are not taking 'meaningful action' to probe....

Zvláštny úkaz nad Račou. Ide o UFo? Budete prekvapený! 19.10.2023 11:00 Zvláštny úkaz nad Račou. Ide o UFo? Budete prekvapený!...

Zhorelo nad Račou UFO? Pozrite, čo nafilmovali vystrašení obyvatelia! 19.10.2023 11:00 V pondelok 16. októbra zaznamenali obyvatelia Rače nezvyčajný úkaz na podvečernej oblohe. Podľa vyjadrení priamych pozorovateľov to najprv vyzeralo tak, že to je stopa po lietadle, no aj podľa zverejnených videí sa to skôr javí ako čosi, čo z oblohy padalo a zhorelo v nej....

Video : UFO Robot Grendizer - The Feast of the Wolves dorazí budúci mesiac 11.10.2023 18:15 Bojujte v epických bitkách s využitím viacerých možností- pilotujte, zapojte sa do vertikálnej prestrelky a pobite z pohľadu tretej osoby. Využite silné útoky na zničenie hrôzostrašných Saucer Beasts a záchranu Zeme 14.novembra!...

Video : Wild Card Football si nasadil helmu, pozýva hráčov na ihriská 11.10.2023 18:15 Bláznivý americký futbal sa dostal na všetky aktuálne platformy a očakáva aj váš príchod. A nebuďte prekvapení, keď vášho hráča z trávnika unesie UFO....