Rozšírené hľadanie
Štvrtok 2. Máj 2024 |
meniny má Žigmund

Hľadané slová - Warwick LWA500

Nájdených 606 článkov.

Warwick Davis on heartbreaking impact of loss of his firstborn baby

Home | Mail Online 31.12.2022 00:09 Warwick Davis, 52, has spoken out about the ongoing impact the death of his first child has had on him....

Fury at University of Warwick as Sir Walter Scott's historic works are slapped with trigger warning

Home | Mail Online 28.12.2022 16:15 Matthew Maxwell-Scott, the great-great-great-great grandson of the legendary Scottish writer slammed the University of Warwick's 'cowardly' decision to slap trigger warnings on the epic 1819 novel Ivanhoe....

Vedci možno našli míľnik, kedy sa naši predkovia začali učiť rozprávať. Odpoveď „našli“ v moderných primátoch 22.12.2022 12:00 Čoraz viac dôkazov naznačuje, že sa človek s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou vyvinul v korunách stromov. Nedávna štúdia naznačila, že sa naši predkovia postavili na dve nohy počas lezenia po konároch, nie na zemi, ako sa dlhú dobu predpokladalo. Ďalšia štúdia z University of Warwick objavila bohatý slovník afrických primát...

'Willow' Review: Disney Plus Reboot Has Fun Updating '80s Fantasy - CNET

CNET 30.11.2022 15:31 Warwick Davis summons up the old magic in this funny and spooky reboot....

Mother-of-one who blackmailed man out of £200 by falsely accusing him of rape is spared jail  

Home | Mail Online 24.11.2022 19:39 Chelsea Orton, 22, admitted to blackmailing the man, who cannot be named, out of £200 between July and August 2019 by threatening to accuse him of rape at Warwick Crown Court....

Body found in Chile is formally identified as Warwick University professor Tom Marsh

Home | Mail Online 18.11.2022 03:00 Thomas Richard Marsh, a 60-year-old astrophysicist at the university, was last seen on September 16 near the remote astronomical observatory La Silla on the outskirts of the Atacama Desert....

Středověká oční mast skutečně léčí! 15.11.2022 10:15 Vědci z anglické University of Warwick smíchali dohromady ingredience na oční mast z 9. století a zkoumali, zda je účinná proti původcům ječného zrna. Zjistili, že je opravdu zabíjí! Zvyšující se odolnost bakterií vůči antibiotikům přidělává vrásky na čele nejen lékařům, ale i vědcům, kteří se snaží nalézt ant...

Body found in hunt for missing British professor in Chilean desert two months after he vanished

Home | Mail Online 11.11.2022 04:30 Thomas Marsh, a 60-year-old astrophysicist at the University of Warwick, was last seen on September 16 near the remote astronomical observatory on the outskirts of the Atacama Desert, Chile...

IBM software engineer who claimed colleague using the word 'blacklist' was racist loses tribunal

Home | Mail Online 10.11.2022 00:30 Taiyyib Azam, 38, was employed at IMB's UK's office in Warwick. He claimed to have felt offended when a colleague used the word 'blacklist' during a call in 2020....

Starší hviezdny systém v našej galaxii nenájdete, tvrdia vedci. Astronómovia objavili najstaršiu hviezdu v Mliečnej dráhe! 08.11.2022 02:00 Astronómom sa podarilo identifikovať najstaršiu hviezdu v Mliečnej dráhe, ktorá k sebe priťahuje trosky planetárnych zárodkov, informuje portál Eurekalert. Štúdiu viedli vedci z Univerity of Warwick. Sústava sa nachádza od nás približne 90 svetelných rokov a astronómovia usúdili, že je stará viac ako 10-miliárd rokov. Hvie...

Willow: Blu-ray Trailer 07.11.2022 15:30 Tohle byla u nás první VHSka, kterou jsme vlastnili. Triková fantasy od Lucasfilmu, v níž máchá Val Kilmer mečem? To chceš! Alespoň jsem si to myslel, jenže něco mi na tomhle dobrodružství od Rona Howarda nikdy neštymovalo. A ano, je to jinak sympatický Warwick Davis v hlavní roli - Willow totiž ......

Mischievous dachshund caught climbing on bulldog to escape

Home | Mail Online 03.11.2022 16:24 Mary Warwick, from Burbage, Leicestershire, installed a camera in her kitchen to find out how her dog, Darcie, managed to keep getting over the stair gate she'd put in the kitchen doorway....

Elizabeth Gaskell's novel Mary Barton on 19th century poor gets trigger warning from Warwick Uni

Home | Mail Online 26.10.2022 03:33 Novel Mary Barton, penned in 1848 by Elizabeth Gaskell about the plight of the poor has been given a trigger warning for 'extreme classism' by Warwick university....

Fury as lights on in 'near-empty' National Grid HQ just days after it warned of three hour blackouts

Home | Mail Online 11.10.2022 20:10 Just days after the energy giant warned of blackouts to save power this winter, their multi-million pound office in Warwick was snapped 'lit up like Blackpool illuminations'....

Missing British professor, 61, 'had argued with PHD student' before vanishing in Chile

Home | Mail Online 27.09.2022 18:15 Thomas Richard Marsh, a 61-year-old astrophysicist at University of Warwick, was last seen on September 16 near the remote astronomical observatory La Silla in Chile....