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Sobota 15. Jún 2024 |
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Zuma takes election battle cry to ANC’s heartland

20.05.2024 17:00 Ex-President Jacob holds a rally in the historic township of Soweto as he returns to the political front line.

Singer Libianca on the pressure to take sides in Cameroon war

20.05.2024 17:00 The star of viral hit People talks to the BBC about getting death threats for waving a Cameroonian flag.

Throwing cash in the air - Nigeria's wedding dilemma

20.05.2024 17:00 Spraying money - flinging cash at the happy couple - is a highlight of many ceremonies but is illegal.

Meghan mania and big skirts: Africa's top shots

20.05.2024 17:00 A selection of the week's best photos from across the African continent.

What did ICJ ruling mean in South Africa's genocide case against Israel?

20.05.2024 17:00 The ICJ ruling has come under intense scrutiny, centring on the word "plausible". What did the court mean?

The race to raise blood money to halt an execution

20.05.2024 17:00 A Kenyan mother's desperate attempts to save her son who is on death row in Saudi Arabia.

Why South Africa's health insurance is causing ructions

20.05.2024 17:00 President Ramaphosa approves a law that seeks to provide universal health care for all - but not everyone is happy.

The illicit trade with China fuelling Mozambique's insurgency

20.05.2024 17:00 Illegal shipments of rosewood continue and some of the profit ends up with jihadists, research says.

DR Congo army says it has thwarted attempted coup

19.05.2024 21:15 At least three people were killed in the attack in the capital Kinshasa.

US troops to leave Niger by mid-September

19.05.2024 21:15 The US says its soldiers will be out by 15 September, after the junta-led government asked them to leave.

Zuma takes election battle cry to ANC’s heartland

19.05.2024 10:30 Ex-President Jacob holds a rally in the historic township of Soweto as he returns to the political front line.

Singer Libianca on the pressure to take sides in Cameroon war

19.05.2024 10:30 The star of viral hit People talks to the BBC about getting death threats for waving a Cameroonian flag.

Ndou 'shares Mandela's dream' in fight for SA office

18.05.2024 05:00 Former boxing world champion Lovemore Ndou compares himself to Nelson Mandela before he runs for election in South Africa.

Throwing cash in the air - Nigeria's wedding dilemma

18.05.2024 05:00 Spraying money - flinging cash at the happy couple - is a highlight of many ceremonies but is illegal.

Mass wedding for Nigeria orphans sparks outcry

17.05.2024 18:46 Nigeria's women's minister says she has filed a court order to stop the ceremony planned for next week.