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Nedeľa 2. Jún 2024 |
meniny má Xénia

Hľadané slová - omega car

Nájdených 450 článkov.

Two policemen sacked for 'gratuitous' assault on car chase suspects

Home | Mail Online 11.05.2015 21:06 Officers Peter Ganson and Dejan Ralevic were sacked after suspects claimed they were kicked in the head and told they would go 'one-to-one' with a dog after a police stop in north London....

Revolutionary flying car prototype crashes

CNET 11.05.2015 04:38 Technically Incorrect: A test flight for the AeroMobil 3.0 flying car, which its makers hope one day to be self-piloted, ends in disaster as it crashes in Slovakia. Its pilot parachutes to safety. ...

Stores 'give bad advice on car seats': Two thirds of high street shops are unable to advise on how t

Home | Mail Online 11.05.2015 01:36 Mystery shoppers from the Good Egg Safety campaign found 53 out of 82 popular stores did not give the right advice about installing child seats, leaving parents baffled by the confusing instructions.....

Police launch murder probe after widower is 'run down by Mercedes' before car allegedly reversed ove

Home | Mail Online 11.05.2015 10:04 A 63-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after a 60-year-old man was allegedly knocked down and killed in Chelmsford, Essex, on Saturday....

Flying car crashed at Nitra Airport, driver/pilot parachuted 11.05.2015 14:44 THE AEROMOBIL, a hybrid car-airplane device of Slovak origin crashed from a height of approximately 300 metres at the Nitra-Janíkovce Airport on May 8, with four firefighter vehicles and ten firefighters despatched to the scene....

TEO car požičajte si vozidlo a jazdite bez starostí

Auto, moto 10.05.2015 01:30 Potrebujete cestovať bezpečne a nbsp s nbsp istotou, že je vozidlo v nbsp absolútnom poriadku? Potom sa ako najvhodnejšie riešenie ukazuje využitie služieb autopožičovne. Aj tu však musíte vyberať zodpovedne. Teraz nám nejde o nbsp to, aby sme poukazovali na mínusy iných požičovní áut, chceme vyzdvihnúť naše osobné plusy a n...

The car that runs on FRESH AIR: It hits 111mph and only water comes out the exhaust... no it's not s

Home | Mail Online 09.05.2015 04:03 The Toyota Mirai will soon be available in the UK for £63,000, will have a range of 300 miles, and can have its tank filled with hydrogen fuel in just ten minutes....

Speeding driver who undertook police car said he was rushing to S Club 7 concert 

Home | Mail Online 09.05.2015 19:03 Police, tweeted that the man ‘claimed he was rushing to an S Club 7 gig’. He was stopped in a Ford Focus on the M5 near Exeter on a 250 mile journey to Manchester to see the 90s pop group....

Retired policeman tracks down mystery girl who her left purse in his car FORTY years ago 

Home | Mail Online 09.05.2015 11:32 Will Connor, of Berkshire, has spent four decades trying to reunite the mystery blonde he met on a camping holiday in Barry Island, terrified by the thought she might believe he had stolen it....


 08.05.2015 00:05 ...

Druhy rostlinných olejů 08.05.2015 01:34 Na trhu je mnoho druhů známých nebo méně známých olejů. Tímto bychom Vám chtěli pomoci, abyste si udělali přehled v nich. U každého z olejů uvádíme údaj o stupni zakouření, což je teplota při které se začíná již olej přepalovat. Pojem rafinace znamená, že byl olej během zpracování vystaven vysokým teplotám a ...


 08.05.2015 04:44 ...

Mother FORGOT giving birth to one-year-old daughter after horrific car crash

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2015 17:02 After Claire Davies, 25, from Hereford, crashed her car on a shopping trip, she was comatose for almost a month and unable to remember giving birth to her only daughter, Chloe, 13 months earlier....

Get a 4-port USB car charger and 6-foot Lightning cable for $16.99

CNET 08.05.2015 17:08 Finally, a decent option for recharging your mobile gadgets while you're on the road. ...

Drunk teenage soldier high on ecstasy and cocaine kills friend in car crash

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2015 19:05 Trainee barber Callum Brown was killed when the car he was a passenger in smashed into a tree in Halifax. It was driven by soldier pal Kyle Denneny, who at the time was drunk and on drugs....