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Nedeľa 16. Jún 2024 |
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Hľadané slová - Frequency

Nájdených 429 článkov.

Spríjemnite si deň pomocou vône s aroma difúzerom na diaľkové ovládanie.

Zľavy a akcie | 20.01.2020 01:02 Cena: 40 €Spríjemnite si deň pomocou vône s aroma difúzerom na diaľkové ovládanie.Vôňe majú veľký vplyv na ľudskú psychiku a na vašu náladu. Nechajte myšlienky plávať na vlne pokoja, pohodlne sa usaďte, nechajte prevoňať vzduch a hrať farby svoj koncert.Po odparení vody sa difúzer sám vypne25-35dB nízka frekvenicia zvuk...

Sony PlayStation 5 logo unveiled at CES 2020 - CNET

CNET 07.01.2020 03:30 Get used to seeing this logo appear with increasing frequency over the course of this year as Sony gears up for the launch of its PS5 console....

Bratislava-Hainburg bus line undergoes changes 23.12.2019 18:32 The frequency of buses will decrease and the fare will go up....

Plants emit an ultrasonic 'scream' when their stems are cut or water is in short supply

Home | Mail Online 09.12.2019 21:39 A team of scientists at Tel Aviv University have discovered that some plants emit a high frequency distress sound when they undergo environmental stress, something like a scream....

Radio telescope on the far side of the moon is switched on for the first time

Home | Mail Online 02.12.2019 13:36 The telescope, called the Netherlands-China Low Frequency Explorer , was sent to the moon as part of the Chinese Chang'e 4 mission. It will examine signals after the Big Bang....

FCC chairman Pai proposes splitting automakers' V2V wireless frequency for Wi-Fi - Roadshow

CNET 21.11.2019 02:02 The plan would seek to ease congestion on the increasingly packed 2.4 and 5.0 GHz bands....

Spríjemnite si deň pomocou vône s aroma difúzerom na diaľkové ovládanie.

Zľavy a akcie | 19.11.2019 00:32 Cena: 40 €Spríjemnite si deň pomocou vône s aroma difúzerom na diaľkové ovládanie.Vôňe majú veľký vplyv na ľudskú psychiku a na vašu náladu. Nechajte myšlienky plávať na vlne pokoja, pohodlne sa usaďte, nechajte prevoňať vzduch a hrať farby svoj koncert.Po odparení vody sa difúzer sám vypne25-35dB nízka frekvenicia zvuk...

Climate change: Warming signal links global floods and fires

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 15.11.2019 13:34 Scientists say rising temperatures are having a big influence on the scale and frequency of extreme weather events....

China develops handheld 'crowd control' sonic gun which causes eyes to painfully vibrate

Home | Mail Online 20.09.2019 17:09 The rifle, which was developed by law enforcement and the military, uses low frequency sounds, causing a 'biological effect' on the body....

Robotic fish capable of perfectly mimicking a yellowfin tuna may help improve aquatic propulsion

Home | Mail Online 20.09.2019 05:38 Tunabot is 10 inches long and reaches a maximum tail beat frequency of 15 hertz. Its tail and entire body moves in a rapid bending pattern, similar to how a yellowfin tuna swims....

Spríjemnite si deň pomocou vône s aroma difúzerom na diaľkové ovládanie

Zľavy a akcie | 18.09.2019 01:41 Cena: 40 €Spríjemnite si deň pomocou vône s aroma difúzerom na diaľkové ovládanieVôňe majú veľký vplyv na ľudskú psychiku a na vašu náladu. Nechajte myšlienky plávať na vlne pokoja, pohodlne sa usaďte, nechajte prevoňať vzduch a hrať farby svoj koncert.Po odparení vody sa difúzer sám vypne25-35dB nízka frekvenicia zvuku...

Smartphones may be leaking more radiation than we think - CNET

CNET 23.08.2019 11:30 An investigation by the Chicago Tribune suggests iPhones and Galaxy models may exceed radio frequency radiation safety limits....

Older iPhones, Samsung phones might not be as safe as we think - CNET

CNET 22.08.2019 05:18 An investigation by the Chicago Tribune suggests iPhones and Galaxy models may exceed radio frequency radiation safety limits....

Smartphones may be leaking more radiation than we think - CNET

CNET 22.08.2019 10:00 An investigation by the Chicago Tribune suggests iPhones and Galaxy models may exceed radio frequency radiation safety limits....

FCC deems 5G safe - CNET

CNET 09.08.2019 00:36 The FCC concludes current radio frequency emission levels are safe....