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Nedeľa 16. Jún 2024 |
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Hľadané slová - GE Aviation

Nájdených 1245 článkov.

Senior Russia official dies after 'falling down several flights of stairs'

Home | Mail Online 21.09.2022 19:46 Anatoly Gerashchenko spent a lifetime working with Moscow Aviation Institute, attending the university as an engineer before working his way up to run the operation for eight years...

US Air Force Anniversary Marks 75 Years at Aviation's Cutting Edge - CNET

CNET 18.09.2022 22:00 Sunday is the big anniversary day. Here's a look at how the Air Force came to be, along with all the aircraft it's flown over the decades....

Aviation fan who went to the Farnborough Air Show as a boy recalls the tragedy that cost 31 lives

Home | Mail Online 03.09.2022 02:31 Mail reader Maurice Boyle was 18-years-old who was at Farnborough Air Show 70 years ago and recalls the moment she heard the 'deafening roar' of the engines as the plane nosedived....

Největší obchod na českém nebi padl. Stát vycouval z prodeje leteckého centra

iDnes - Ekonomika 30.08.2022 06:01 Očekávaný největší obchod v tuzemském leteckém odvětví se neuskuteční. Loni v zimě skončila vyjednávání státu o prodeji výcvikového centra pro piloty Czech Aviation Training Centre malajsijské společnosti Skyvax. Nyní po pár měsících námluv s druhým zájemcem – kanadskou firmou CAE – vycouvala z prodeje naopak če...

Zelensky's Top Gun aces: Ukrainian pilots show-off their incredible combat skills in promo video

Home | Mail Online 29.08.2022 00:30 Ukrainian pilots took part in a bold Top Gun-inspired highlights reel of their most daring stunts to mark the country's Aviation Day. The montage was set to Kenny Loggins' Danger Zone, from the 1980s film...

Cirencester man, 71, arrested for threatening drone pilot with an air rifle

Home | Mail Online 24.08.2022 06:15 The incident took place in Cirencester, Gloucestershire on Monday when the pilot, who is fully licenced and certified by the Civil Aviation Authority, was threatened by  a man....

Customers voice fury at British Airways for scrapping 1.8million seats until SPRING

Home | Mail Online 23.08.2022 12:15 Dozens of holidaymakers took to social media to express their frustration at the impact the cancellations would have on them, after the aviation giant axed a further 11,250 flights....

Ethiopian Airlines pilots 'overshoot runway after falling asleep'

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 20.08.2022 01:00 The Ethiopian Airlines pilots dozed off at 37,000ft but woke to land the plane, an aviation journal says....

Nedostatok palív v Maďarsku spôsobuje problémy v leteckej doprave, aj záchranárom

Stratégie online 18.08.2022 00:01 Nedostatok pohonných látok v Maďarsku už spôsobuje problémy nielen v cestnej doprave, ale aj v leteckej, vrátane záchrannej služby, zaznelo v stredu v komerčnej televízii ATV. Informuje o tom spravodajca TASR v Budapešti. Péter Túri, výkonný riaditeľ medzinárodnej spoločnosti Trustair Aviation, ktor......

EasyJet makes another loss even as passenger demand skyrockets

Home | Mail Online 26.07.2022 16:01 The budget airline recorded a £114million headline pre-tax loss in the three months ending 30 June, as staff shortfalls afflicting the aviation sector led to mass delays and flight cancellations....

All hail the flying taxis: 200mph electric aircraft ready for take-off

Home | Mail Online 21.07.2022 03:00 California-based Joby Aviation, which makes flying taxis seating one pilot and four riders, is now aiming to offer journeys in the UK....

Why are airlines and airports in chaos? Experts have their say

Home | Mail Online 16.07.2022 17:01 We spoke to aviation and travel experts to find out why airlines and airports like Heathrow are in chaos and when the saga might finally be resolved....

Heathrow Airport disruption: Government orders boss to share 'credible recovery plan'

Home | Mail Online 15.07.2022 11:17 Department for Transport and Civil Aviation Authority chiefs last night wrote a joint letter to Heathrow chief executive John Holland-Kaye urging him to share an action plan....

Lizingova firma SMBC prisla pre sankcie voci Rusku o vyse 1 mld. eur 10.07.2022 21:16 Svetova lizingova spolocnost SMBC Aviation Capital prisla uvalenim sankcii na Rusko a naslednymi odvetnymi opatreniami o viac nez miliardu eur....

Dopad vakcinácie na leteckú dopravu

Blog | 04.07.2022 12:15 Na stránke mnou často používaných Gumshoe News sa v rámci debaty k článku „A worldwide ban on all vaccines“ – Celosvetový zákaz všetkých vakcín – objavil odkaz na článok ktorý tu prekladám – na stránke Rumble: Akýsi naznačený nadpis je „Global Aviation: Fit to Fly?“, čiže Globálne Letectvo: spôsobilé liet...