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Hľadané slová - girls

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VIDEO Spomínate si na duo Cheeky Girls? Takto vyzerajú dnes 26.04.2022 20:30 Ženské spevácke duo Gabrielu a Monicu Irimiové preslávil na hudobnej scéne hlavne ich singel Cheeky Song . Lacná popová skladba s nádychom erotiky zaznamenala úspech hlavne pre odvážne kostýmy....

FOTO Natriasali sa v trblietavých gaťkách, potom sa po nich zľahla zem: Aha, ako vyzerajú dnes 26.04.2022 20:30 Cheeky Girls boli rumunské spevácke duo, ktoré tvorili identické sestry dvojičky Gabriela a Monica Irimiové. Potom, čo sa objavili ako účastníčky konkurzu v Popstars: The Rivals, dosiahli úspech v britských rebríčkoch so štyrmi hitmi v rokoch 2002 až 2004. Viac ako hudba ich však preslávili odvážne kostýmy. Po krátkom úspech...

Windsor Chapel welcomes girl choristers for the first time in 674 years

Home | Mail Online 25.04.2022 22:16 The girls are both aged nine and attend St George's School Windsor Castle, a leading independent preparatory school. The decision to allow girls in the choir was made in January....

Author BEEZY MARSH tells of campaign to honour 26 ATS girls killed by German bomb in Great Yarmouth

Home | Mail Online 25.04.2022 22:16 On May 11, 1943, between 15 and 20 Focke-Wulf planes unleashed a bombing raid on Great Yarmouth. Pictured: Private Vera Mann, who was among those killed....

Police issue urgent appeal for info on missing London girls, 15 and 16, last seen six days ago

Home | Mail Online 20.04.2022 05:00 Police issued an urgent appeal for the whereabouts of two missing teenage girls. Alliyah Montaque, 15, and Lina Bennacef, 16, were last seen in Walthamstow after 3pm on Wednesday....

Islamic veil ban in schools saw Muslim girls get better grades, French study finds

Home | Mail Online 20.04.2022 14:01 A law introduced in 2004 fully outlawed veils from French schools, but they were first asked to ban 'ostentatious religious signs' in a 1994 government 'circular'....

Spice Girls documentary to be filmed by Star Wars director J.J. Abrams - and Posh may be on board

Home | Mail Online 17.04.2022 04:15 The Spice Girls are set to be the subject of a new documentary by Star Wars and Star Trek director J.J. Abrams. Victoria Beckham is said to be tempted to cooperate with the film. Her bandmates signed up....

Nigeria's Chibok girls: Why was this former captive treated differently?

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 17.04.2022 08:30 Hassana Adamu speaks to the BBC about feeling neglected on the eighth anniversary of the kidnappings....


Home | Mail Online 15.04.2022 07:15 The setting for Booker-shortlisted Birch's psychological suspense novel is a girls' school in 1960s Manchester, where 15-year-old narrator Sally is a pupil....

Easter parade... to the PUBS! Youngsters hit the town to kick off four-day weekend

Home | Mail Online 15.04.2022 16:45 Smiling and laughing guys and girls in Newcastle, Liverpool and Birmingham dressed up and let their hair down as they flocked to pubs and bars on the first of three raucous evenings....

Sex offender GP Dr Krishna Khan faces prison over abusing women and girls in Lanarkshire

Home | Mail Online 15.04.2022 16:45 Krishna Singh, 74, pictured, who received an MBE for medical services, was convicted of 54 sex crimes against 48 woman carried out over a 35 year period in Coathill, Lanarkshire....

Syrian sex predator jailed for sexually assaulting teenage girls across Liverpool

Home | Mail Online 15.04.2022 16:45 Syrian asylum seeker Ahmed Al-Razawe, 24, was tracked down by his victims after they took photos of him following attacks and got his DNA after he bled from being punched....

Sickening footage shows teenage girls desecrating a baby's grave by throwing toys at headstone

Home | Mail Online 14.04.2022 03:30 The disgusting vandalism spree took place in Leigh, Greater Manchester where two clips were recorded at the time of the incident and showed the moment a girl took items from the grave of a young child....

Paedophile, 84, who sexually abused seven girls under 14 will die in jail

Home | Mail Online 14.04.2022 12:45 Keith Turner, 84, from Newcastle-under-Lyme, had an obsession with masturbation and would make his young victims perform sex acts on him 'for his own selfish sexual gratification'....

'It's Liam Neeson!' Derry Girls fans go wild as Hollywood A-lister makes a cameo appearance

Home | Mail Online 13.04.2022 18:01 Liam Neeson played Chief Constable Byers, a local police officer who questioned Northern Irish schoolfriends Erin, Orla, Clare, Michelle and James at school after hours in C4's Derry Girls....