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Utorok 21. Január 2025 |
meniny má Vincent

Hľadané slová - girls

Nájdených 5311 článkov.

Christmas at my in-laws reduced me to TEARS: My mother-in-law laughed at my dress, there was NO cranberry sauce... and my worst fears were confirmed after dinner, writes INDIA MONTGOMERY

Home | Mail Online 20.12.2024 09:17 This year, my husband, two little girls and I are heading to my in-laws for Christmas. You may think that I'd be looking forward to festivities that I wasn't responsible for, with no cooking or cleaning to do....

Inside Lena Dunham's colourful London home: Girls actress gives a glimpse inside 'cozy' space full of 'sustainable and unique pieces' - after moving from $2.8M bungalow in LA

Home | Mail Online 20.12.2024 18:46 Lena Dunham gave a glimpse inside her stylish and colourful London home as she took to Instagram with a new post on Thursday...

Finanční situace Spice Girls: Miliardářky i zoufalka! 19.12.2024 09:45  Jejich sláva byla neskutečná a svět jim ležel u nohou. Dívky z ikonické dívčí skupiny Spice Girls vydělávaly na vrcholu slávy každá až 59,5 milionu liber ročně . Všechny »spajsky« začaly kariéru v roce 1994 na stejné startovní čáře, každá se později vydala vlastní cestou. Jak to s jejich financemi vypadá dnes?...

Finanční situace Spice Girls: Miliardářky i zoufalka!

Aha! 19.12.2024 10:15  Jejich sláva byla neskutečná a svět jim ležel u nohou. Dívky z ikonické dívčí skupiny Spice Girls vydělávaly na vrcholu slávy každá až 59,5 milionu liber ročně . Všechny »spajsky« začaly kariéru v roce 1994 na stejné startovní čáře, každá se později vydala vlastní cestou. Jak to s jejich financemi vypadá dnes?...

Na plastice nosu jsem nikdy nebyla. Ale znám dobrý fígl, radí Beckhamová

iDnes - Revue 19.12.2024 19:30 Victoria Beckhamová odmítá dlouholeté spekulace o tom, že si nechala upravit nos od plastického chirurga. Bývalá členka skupiny Spice Girls tvrdí, že za vše může konturování obličeje pomocí make-upu. Užší a rovnější nos má jen díky správné technice líčení, kterou také prozradila....

I was fired for social media posts about being a good Christian wife... if it was LGBTQ issues, I would have been praised: Counsellor suing Catholic school says celebrating traditional values is now taboo

Home | Mail Online 18.12.2024 09:32 Gozen Soydag, 37, was let go from her job at as a learning support worker at London's St Anne's Catholic High School for Girls on account of posts on Instagram celebrating traditional Christian values....

Geri Horner supports husband Christian as the Red Bull F1 boss is honoured by King Charles for services to motor sport - days after the Spice Girls star said she 'belongs to no man'

Home | Mail Online 18.12.2024 19:16 Their united appearance today comes months after concerns were raised earlier this year over the couple's future amid a text messaging controversy....

Indian immigrant accused of sexually assaulting two teen girls on Bournemouth beach 'licked his lips' at alleged victims as he was being arrested, court hears

Home | Mail Online 17.12.2024 14:16 Satwinder Singh, 32, is said to have attempted to touch the breasts of the two youngsters, aged 15 and 16, in separate attacks just a few minutes apart by Harry Ramsden's fish and chip shop in Bournemouth....

Úprimné priznanie Victorie Beckham o PLASTIKÁCH: Za jej vzhľadom je úplne niečo INÉ! - Prominenti 17.12.2024 21:30 LONDÝN - Hviezda Spice Girls sa opäť vyjadrila k niektorým fámam, ktoré sa týkajú plastických operácií na jej tvári. Mnohým sa totiž zdá, že vyzerá inak, k čomu jej dopomohli šikovní chirurgovia. Rázne ich odmietla a zároveň prezradila tajomstvo dokonalého výzoru, pripomínajúceho výsledky estetických zákrokov....

100 years of baby names: Search tool reveals whether YOURS is dying out or has become more popular

Home | Mail Online 16.12.2024 00:45 MailOnline has visualised the top 100 most common boys and girls names in England and Wales dating back to 1904. Find out if your name has boomed or busted...

People left shocked by woman's 'wild' Wetherspoons hack as they say 'I was not expecting that'

Home | Mail Online 16.12.2024 19:45 Vicki and her friends were having a girls night in Spoons in Derbyshire when their pal Joanne left them in fits of laughter after whipping out a bag of gravy granules....

X-Files star Gillian Anderson reveals her character FBI Agent Scully has inspired generations of girls to explore careers in science and mathematics

Home | Mail Online 15.12.2024 05:45 X-Files star Gillian Anderson has revealed that her character on the hit supernatural show has inspired generations of girls to pursue careers in the STEM subjects....

DEAR JANE: I fear my female friends secretly HATE me because of these subtle things they all do

Home | Mail Online 15.12.2024 15:30 I'm part of a very tight-knit group of girls. We've been friends since high school and we all moved back to our hometown after college....

Mysterious illness which leaves women and teenage girls 'shaking uncontrollably' spreads through Uganda leaving doctors baffled

Home | Mail Online 15.12.2024 15:30 The disease which locals are referring to as Dinga Dinga, translating to 'shaking like dancing', has already affected around 300 people, mostly women and girls, according to health officials....

Posadnutosť Victorie Beckham zostať mladou aj po 50-ke: Odhalila TAJOMSTVO svojho vzhľadu! - Prominenti 13.12.2024 22:30 LONDÝN - Nepozná bolesť, pokiaľ ide o jej vzhľad. Bývalá členka Spice Girls Victoria Beckham je známa svojím prísnym životným štýlom, ktorú ju udržiava vo forme. Aj vďaka nemu sa môže pochváliť mladistvým výzorom. Nebojí sa dokonca zájsť ďalej a kvôli kráse čo-to pretrpí!...