Rozšírené hľadanie
Nedeľa 16. Jún 2024 |
meniny má Blanka

Hľadané slová - híd

Nájdených 4233 článkov.

Celine Dion, 56, tears up as she reveals she HID her stiff person syndrome for 17 YEARS before finally revealing her diagnosis - admitting the 'burden of lying became too much'

Home | Mail Online 11.06.2024 00:00 The singer, 56, revealed that she had been diagnosed with the disorder in 2022, but now, she has shared that she had been grappling with the horrific condition in secrecy for 17 years....

Husband watched as his wife, 59, and son, 22, were killed after dangerous driver crashed into them head-on - and then hid from police

Home | Mail Online 10.06.2024 03:16 Angela Boyack and her son, Stephen were driving back along the A632 Chesterfield Road in near Kelstedge, Derbyshire, when Joshua Hill, 27, crashed into them....

Primátor Martina na kandidátke Hídu? Absurdné!

Ján Slota 09.06.2024 00:30 Rozhodnutie martinského primátora Andreja Hrnčiara, keď sa vzdal členstva vo výbore Matice slovenskej aj jej čestného podpredsedníctva a kandiduje v predčasných parlamentných voľbách za stranu Híd, ma poriadne šokovalo!...

Bugár by mal prestať s nátlakom na Ústavný súd SR

Ján Slota 09.06.2024 00:30 Predseda strany Híd Béla Bugár sa pred niekoľkými dňami obrátil na predsedníčku Ústavného súdu SR listom, v ktorom žiada o urýchlenie rozhodnutia o protiústavnosti ustanovení zákona o štátnom občianstve. Podnet v tomto smere podalo na Ústavný súd SR 44 poslancov NR SR. SNS považuje každého z nich za vlastizradcu, ide o drz...

Špekulantom Slovensko predsa len posiela miliardy!

Ján Slota 09.06.2024 00:30 V tejto krajine vládne anarchia! Niekoľko mesiacov nás tri strany dosluhujúcej vlády SDKÚ – DS, Híd a KDH spolu s opozičným Smerom presviedčali, že účasť Slovenska v eurovale, ktorú bez priameho súhlasu občanov oni sami ako prisluhovači Bruselu schválili, je len naším zdvorilostným aktom podieľania sa na medzinárodnom p...

Dal som spraviť prieskum. SaS je s 13% najsilnejšia opozičná strana

Ľubomír Galko 09.06.2024 06:01 Ak by sa konali parlamentné voľby v sobotu 22.6.2013, vyhrala by ich strana Smer s 53%. Druhou najsilnejšou stranou by bola strana SaS s 13%. Do parlamentu by sa dostali ešte  nasledujúce strany: SDKÚ 10%, Most - Híd 10%, KDH 6%. Pred bránami parlamentu by zostali NOVA so 4% a OĽaNO s 3%. Podpora ostatných strán by nepresiahla hran...

Inside 'Dr Death' dog fighting ring: How married couple's £1m ex-pub in picturesque Essex hamlet hid dark secret as venue for brutal bouts where animals were pumped with steroids to compete for £100k prize pots in blood-soaked fight pit

Home | Mail Online 04.06.2024 17:30 Life was good for Billy and Amy Leadley. The couple lived in a £1 million former pub in a tiny hamlet surrounded by rolling countryside, while selfies on social media portrayed them as perfect parents....

Groom dated 'bride' for a YEAR before discovering 'she' was actually a cross-dressing man TWELVE DAYS after their wedding: Fraudster hid his true identity by wearing traditional Muslim dress that covered his whole face

Home | Mail Online 30.05.2024 19:00 An Indonesian groom discovered that his bride who he had dated for an entire year was a cross-dressing man who hid his true identity by always wearing traditional Muslim attire. ...

Love-cheat who killed seven-month-pregnant girlfriend after she found out about his secret English lover hid her body in his car boot then went for lunch with his mother, it's revealed as he makes dishevelled court appearance

Home | Mail Online 29.05.2024 23:30 Barman Alessandro Impagnetiello, 31, confessed to stabbing his 29-year-old girlfriend Giulia Tramontano 37 times while she laid in the bath, at a Milan court on Monday....

'My children hid with goats to trick kidnappers'

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 28.05.2024 14:30 A father who fled kidnappers in central Nigeria on his motorbike tells how his family survived....

Összeomlott egy híd egy teherautó alatt a Zólyomi járásban | Szlovákiai magyar hírportál 28.05.2024 16:00 Kedden reggel összeomlott a III/2447-es úton, Zólyomberezna felé egy közúti híd, amely felújítás alatt állt, és közlekedési tábla jelezte a közlekedőknek, hogy legfeljebb 7,5 t tömegű járművekkel lehet áthaladni rajta. Egy agyaggal megrakott teherautó sofőrje azonban figyelmen kívül hagyta a felhívást, és kettétör...

Man in his 20s is stabbed with a huge machete in shocking broad daylight brawl: Police launch manhunt for gang after attack which left terrified staff hiding inside estate agents

Home | Mail Online 14.05.2024 04:45 A man in his 20s was stabbed with a 'machete' in a shocking daylight brawl outside a London estate agents - as terrified staff hid inside and frantically called the police....

Csak így tudták eltávolítani a Baltimore-i híd legnagyobb darabját a Dali konténerszállítóról 14.05.2024 15:00 A szakemberek hosszú időn át készültek a műveletre....

The normal Victorian terrace that hid Eunuch Maker's dungeon of horrors: Norwegian ringleader of body modification cult mutilated men inside his room rigged with cameras and where his two testicles hung in frame above the bed

Home | Mail Online 10.05.2024 01:45 Marius Gustavson was jailed today for a minimum of 22 years for running the vile enterprise, which saw him make £300K from severing penises, testicles and legs....

How Diana hid secret tension in marriage to Charles during iconic visit to Nigeria: Couple had few joint engagements and were VERY awkward when they were together in 1990 visit

Home | Mail Online 10.05.2024 22:00 The royal couple's five-day trip to Nigeria was one remembered for their largely separate engagements and their few awkward joint appearances....