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Pondelok 17. Jún 2024 |
meniny má Adolf

Hľadané slová - hodgkin

Nájdených 84 článkov.

Coronavirus UK: Teenager who delayed going to the doctors is diagnosed with cancer

Home | Mail Online 23.10.2020 13:31 Nursery worker Paige Heeland, 19, of Tunstall, Staffordshire, faces a gruelling six-month course of chemotherapy after a biopsy discovered her Hodgkin lymphoma....

Teen who shed three stone in just six months was shocked to discover she actually had rare cancer

Home | Mail Online 01.10.2020 12:10 Molly Parkinson, 19, from Morecambe, Lancashire, was inspired to hit the gym and adopt a healthier lifestyle in January this year. But shortly after she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma....

Celebrating Terry Fox

Google Dooles 12.09.2020 14:34  Date: September 13, 2020 “I want to try the impossible to show it can be done.” —Terry Fox Today’s Doodle, illustrated by Toronto-based guest artist , celebrates the Canadian athlete and humanitarian Terry Fox. After losing his leg to cancer, Fox embarked on the “Marathon of Hope”—a historic...

Suarez Navarro: Former world number six diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma

BBC Sport | Tennis | UK Edition 01.09.2020 21:35 Former world number six Carla Suarez Navarro reveals she has been diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer....

Hodgkin's lymphoma: Samantha Benson, 33, reveals early signs of 'silent killer' blood cancer

Home | Mail Online 16.08.2020 12:34 At 31, Sydney marketing director Samantha Benson was the 'healthiest she had ever been', 'hardly drinking' and training CrossFit four times a week. Until her left collarbone started to swell....

Zvýšené D-dimery

uLékař 06.08.2020 17:14 Co vás trápí, jak dlouho problém trvá, berete nějaké léky, proběhlo již nějaké vyšetření, ... Dobrý den. Po roční kontrole na kardiologii zjištěny vysoké D-dimery 3,460 . Je mi 75let, 1981 Hodgkin - splenektomie, ozařování, v remisi. Časté záněty žil, 2001 trombóza. Operace srdce 2016, výměna aortální i mitráln...

Footballer, 11, who was diagnosed with cancer days receives messages of support from sports stars

Home | Mail Online 11.06.2020 22:38 Thomas Cunningham, 11, from Liverpool, who has had trials with Liverpool and Everton, was diagnosed with stage four Hodgkin's Lymphoma after complaining that his left ear hurt....

Virginia Roberts starts GoFundMe page for fellow Jeffrey Epstein accuser Maria Farmer's cancer

Home | Mail Online 30.04.2020 09:33 Virginia Giuffre Roberts started a GoFundMe page for fellow Jeffrey Epstein accuser Maria Farmer who has Hodgkin's Lymphoma and needs medical scans to determine what stage of the cancer she has....

Woman, 30, gives birth to 'miracle' son after recovering from cancer that doctors said was terminal

Home | Mail Online 27.11.2019 12:03 Abi Flynn, 30, of Hove, was told the treatment for her cancer Hodgkin's Lymphoma had left her infertile. Against the odds, she has given birth to son, Leo Sol Wescott-Flynn....

Gym-going teen discovers her sudden weight loss over summer was actually CANCER

Home | Mail Online 11.10.2019 11:32 EXCLUSIVE: Grace Pritchard, now 20, of Worcestershire, was only diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma last October when she visited her GP about breathing difficulties....

Student, 22, who was diagnosed with stage four blood cancer at just 14 is studying for a master's

Home | Mail Online 27.09.2019 14:13 EXCLUSIVE: Amelia Brown, from Lincolnshire, thought she was just overdoing sport when she became fatigued in October 2010. She was later diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma....

Schoolgirl, 16, was pulled out of a GCSE exam to be told she had cancer

Home | Mail Online 22.08.2019 12:36 Hannah Fraser, of Formby, Merseyside, sat her PE exam on May 18 last year, only for her father Duncan Fraser to show up halfway through. The then 16-year-old was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma....

Mother with Hodgkin's Lymphoma claims DWP said she did not have 'enough cancer' to receive benefits

Home | Mail Online 19.08.2019 12:35 Katie Larn, from Braunstone, Leicester, was diagnosed with the cancer last year and applied for daily living allowance and mobility benefits but was told she did not qualify....

Woman, 27, has shared her 10 top tips on how to smile through chemotherapy 

Home | Mail Online 07.08.2019 13:35 Georgie Swallow, of Buckinghamshire thought she had eczema for a year before her diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma in September 2018. But she remains optimistic....

Cancer sufferer was diagnosed with advanced tumours after sipping on wine triggered painful itching

Home | Mail Online 18.07.2019 13:36 Lauren Firenza, 25, of Nottingham, noticed a tingling sensation while at a family get together in December last year. She was diagnosed with stage four Hodgkin lymphoma in April....