Rozšírené hľadanie
Štvrtok 13. Jún 2024 |
meniny má Anton

Hľadané slová - home

Nájdených 50784 článkov.

Cowboy builder, 46, leaves couple thousands of pounds out of pocket after destroying their home with 'shabby' £70,000 makeover nightmare - as they rage, 'this has ruined our lives'

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2024 00:30 A cowboy builder has 'mutilated' a family home with a botched £70,000 makeover nightmare, with the couple saying 'this has ruined our lives'....

A place to let your hair down! Six-bed fairytale home with Rapunzel-like turret goes on the market for £1.25million

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2024 00:30 The Gatehouse, in East Grinstead, West Sussex, is a Grade II Listed property which used to be the grand entrance to a large country estate....

Home Office starts revealing how many migrants it has prevented from crossing the Channel - while dozens more arrive in Dover today

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2024 00:30 The latest data reveals that 98 migrants arrived on small boats yesterday, while 71 migrants in three small boats were stopped from leaving France....

Neighbour, 33, admits killing girl, 11, with poisonous gas used to kill bed bugs

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2024 00:30 Fatiha Sabrin was overcome by toxic fumes when a poisonous gas drifted into her home from a downstairs property where her neighbour Jesmin Akter, 33, lived....

Mother-of-four who had both her hands amputated after being bitten by the family dog sues paramedics who advised her to stay at home and take paracetamol

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2024 00:30 Michelle Ellis , 45 from Plymouth was bitten twice by the family dog on 13 January 2021 on her right wrist and outer forearm and called an ambulance two days later....

Best Home Office Essentials for 2024 - CNET

CNET 08.05.2024 01:30 Our work-from-home essentials will help you get the most out of your home office setup....

Arteriors home - objavte čaro luxusu

Bývaní - 08.05.2024 02:45  Čím ďalej viac ľudí si uvedomuje, že investovať do bývania rozhodne nie sú vyhodené peniaze. Nábytok z Ikea je síce lacný, rýchlo zostaviteľný a tiež ľahko manipulovateľný, avšak nevydrží príliš dlho a naozaj chcete mať obývačku ako cez „kopirák“ spolu s ďalšími niekoľkými rodinami? Vytvorte si doma ......

Domáca kancelária alebo home office

Bývaní - 08.05.2024 02:45  Práca doma v byte alebo v rodinnom domčeku si vyžaduje buď svoju domácu kanceláriu alebo aspoň kútik, kde sa vám bude príjemne pracovať. Pracovňa by mala byť nielen praktická, ale aj štýlová a príjemná, aby vám šla práca od ruky. Vytvorte si priestor pre prácu z domova, urobte si tzv. Home office po ......

Nábytok a doplnky za super ceny? Iba od Pure home

Bývaní - 08.05.2024 02:45  Na bývanie a jeho štýl je kladený rovnaký dôraz ako na módu a ak sledujete najnovšie trendy v obliekaní a líčení, potom to pravdepodobne chcete mať aj doma pekné a útulné. Avšak zatiaľ čo obmieňanie šatníka je pomerne jednoduchou záležitosťou, interiér sa tak často meniť nedá. Zabralo by vám to veľa ......

Starostlivosť o plot: prehľad jednotlivých materiálov a ako ich udržiavať - magazíny 08.05.2024 08:30 Starostlivosť o plot je kľúčovým aspektom udržiavania nielen vizuálnej atraktívnosti, ale aj funkčnosti a trvanlivosti plotu. Vzhľadom na rôzne vonkajšie vplyvy, ktorým sú ploty vystavené, je dôležité venovať im pravidelnú pozornosť a údržbu. Okrem vizuálnych aspektov zabezpečuje údržba aj bezpečnosť plotu, prevenciu pr...

Paw thing! Curious Beagle puppy gets his head STUCK in a brick wall before being rescued by firefighters

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2024 11:00 Four-month-old Jeremy the Beagle got himself trapped in a garden wall on May 7 at his home in Brierley Hill, Dudley....

Home Office targetting male migrants with no family for first deportation flights to Rwanda in a bid to avoid legal challenges with more than 100 people already detained following nationwide raids

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2024 11:00 Over 100 people have been detained by Immigration Enforcement officers following nationwide raids. They are mostly male, have no serious health issues, sources told the Mail....

Inside the derelict Glastonbury factory overrun by 'hippies' and turned into a 'shanty town' draped in Ukraine and Palestine flags that's sparked fury - as officials launch probe

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2024 20:16 EXCLUSIVE: The Zigzag building, a former sheep skin factory in Glastonbury, has become home to a group of people living 'alternative lifestyles' after seeking 'sanctuary' inside its walls....

RAF serviceman arrested in Majorca after a fellow British tourist accused him of raping her is freed from custody and allowed to fly home after 'victim' failed to ratify her complaint in court

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2024 20:16 The 27-year-old was told he remains under investigation for the alleged sex attack in Magaluf and must respond to any future court summons....

Mobile home owners are turning seafront into a 'squatters' camp' as they spend weekends at a stretch there for free and even urinate on the beach, furious residents say

Home | Mail Online 08.05.2024 20:16 Mobile home owners are turning a popular seafront on the Isle of Sheppey into a 'squatters' camp' as they spend weekends there for free and even urinate on the beach, residents said....