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Nedeľa 2. Jún 2024 |
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Hľadané slová - migrant

Nájdených 4291 článkov.

DAN HODGES: The Rwanda plan is over. And if he's not careful, Rishi's time in No 10 will be next

Home | Mail Online 03.12.2023 06:01 DAN HODGES: The Government's Rwanda scheme is dead. 'We're not going to get a single migrant on a plane to Kigali before the Election,' a Minister admitted to me....

The migrant delivery driver making a mockery of Britain's asylum system: Sudanese national who posed for photos by the Eiffel Tower boasts about illegally earning cash in the UK by brazenly spraying £10 and £20 notes in taxpayer-paid hotel room

Home | Mail Online 03.12.2023 16:02 EXCLUSIVE: Footage posted on social media shows Omer Muhammad, 34, spraying cash in a hotel in Derby which he has been living in for the past year and a half....

Rishi Sunak says his 'patience is worn thin' with legal blocks to Rwanda migrant plan as PM meets with African country's leader Paul Kagame on sidelines of COP-28 climate summit

Home | Mail Online 01.12.2023 23:45 The Prime Minister, who met with the east African country's leader at the COP-28 climate summit, vowed to 'finish the job' and get the asylum scheme up and running....

Fears Rwanda could 'back out of UK's flagship Channel migrant scheme' because of continued delays to deportation flights and criticisms of country by MPs and peers

Home | Mail Online 30.11.2023 17:30 The Supreme Court 's ruling against the Rwanda plan earlier this month was only the latest setback to a scheme originally launched by Boris Johnson in April 2022....

V Sofii zrejme umrzol migrant, o život bojoval pod holým nebom

Stratégie online 28.11.2023 05:01 V Bulharsku zrejme umrzol utečenec, ktorého dnes našli so skupinou ďalších deviatich migrantov živoriacich pod holým nebom v chladnom počasí na kraji Sofie. Informovala o tom bulharská verejnoprávna televízia s odvolaním sa na ministerstvo vnútra. Dvoch ďalších mužov odviezli do nemocnice, ostatní s......

Niger coup leaders repeal law against migrant smuggling

BBC News | Africa | World Edition 28.11.2023 10:16 The legislation allowed police to take action against smugglers taking migrants to Europe....

Niger coup leaders repeal law against migrant smuggling

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 28.11.2023 13:01 The legislation allowed police to take action against smugglers taking migrants to Europe....

Finland to close entire Russian border after migrant surge

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 28.11.2023 22:45 The last open crossing, in the Arctic Circle, will close on Thursday night, the government says....

What made Dublin, one of the most welcoming cities on earth, explode in anti-migrant violence?

Home | Mail Online 25.11.2023 07:15 It was a night of shame for one of the most welcoming countries in the world. Ireland was left reeling after as many as 500 thugs launched an anti- migrant rampage....

Do ulic Dublinu vyrazil rozlícený dav. Lidé jsou přesvědčeni, že děti pobodal migrant 24.11.2023 00:30 Po útoku dosud neznámého muže, který pobodal tři děti a dvě dospělé osoby, se lidé v irském Dublinu vydali protestovat do ulic, během čehož se střetli s policisty a zapálili jim auta. Jsou totiž přesvědčeni, že za útokem stojí migrant, který měl pocházet z Alžírska, o čemž informoval i server Nexta. S opatrně...

Násilie v írskej metropole! Nazúrený dav bol presvedčený, že migrant zaútočil na deti nožom - Zahraničné 24.11.2023 18:00 DUBLIN - Protestujúci ľudia v írskej metropole Dublin vo štvrtok podpálili auto a dostali sa do potýčok s políciou. Reagovali tak na pobodanie troch malých detí pri škole, ktoré podľa fám na sociálnych sieťach spáchal cudzí štátny príslušník. Informoval o tom novinár tlačovej agentúry AFP....

Jeremy Hunt dismisses Tory deputy chair '30p Lee' Anderson's claim that asylum seekers should be held on Orkney if the Rwanda migrant plan fails - as Scottish MPs fume

Home | Mail Online 23.11.2023 13:47 The Chancellor brushed off Lee Anderson's comments as a 'colourful suggestion' amid a furious backlash by Scottish MPs....

French police chief in charge of stopping illegal migrant Channel crossings to Britain has been 'absent' most of the past 14 years playing golf and swimming instead, damning internal report claims

Home | Mail Online 22.11.2023 07:31 Commander Luc-Noel Larcher, 56, is accused of holding down a 'fictious job' on full pay and overtime within the elite CRS ....

Suella Braverman 'sent Rishi Sunak six letters' warning his Rwanda migrant plan could fail - as PM 'scrambles to send Home Office officials to African country' to boost their asylum system

Home | Mail Online 19.11.2023 18:30 The Prime Minister was this week dealt a devastating blow when the Supreme Court ruled his efforts to send asylum seekers to the east African country were unlawful....

Ex-minister Simon Clarke tells Rishi Sunak to call snap election if Lords block a new Rwanda migrant flight law as sacked former home secretary Suella Braverman issues her own five-point plan triggering new Tory civil war

Home | Mail Online 17.11.2023 15:15 The hardline former home secretary, who was sacked by Mr Sunak this week, accused him of planning to 'tinker' with the law and presented her own five-point plan to get the scheme back on track....