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Streda 19. Jún 2024 |
meniny má Alfréd

Hľadané slová - sex

Nájdených 40901 článkov.

Sex před spaním zkracuje čas potřebný k usnutí - Vztahy a sex 11.07.2023 09:31 Sex má pro naše fyzické i duševní zdraví celou řadu benefitů. Jak ukázal nejnovější výzkum, může být i klíčem ke kvalitnímu nočnímu spánku. Pokud si dopřejete sex těsně před spaním, zkrátí to čas usínání až o jednu pětinu a zároveň je velká pravděpodobnost, že se i zvýší kvalita spánku....

Bond director wanted to cast Diana Ross as Roger Moore's love interest

Home | Mail Online 11.07.2023 11:15 Hamilton and Mankiewicz lobbied for the superstar Diana Ross to play Bond's main love interest, but executives at United Artists didn't think audiences were ready for inter-racial sex scenes...

Handler of undercover cop accused of having sex with green activists, bedded four himself

Home | Mail Online 11.07.2023 11:15 The detective inspector, referred to as 'N10', admitted having sexual relationships with four campaigners between 1983 and 1987, a tribunal heard....

Male sex offenders twice as likely to identify as trans women than other prisoners, report finds

Home | Mail Online 11.07.2023 11:15 Figures from the HMPPS Offender Equalities Annual Report show that of the 168 legally-male trans women prisoners in England and Wales, six were in women's prisons and the rest in men's jails....

Married Army major who allegedly had sex with two women in officer's mess is suspended

Home | Mail Online 11.07.2023 11:15 Major Duncan Wiggins, 33, from the Queen's Dragoon Guards, is said to have seduced the women at a summer ball after his wife went to bed, the Mail can reveal....

Tim Davie faces grilling TODAY after new twists in BBC 'sex pics scandal'

Home | Mail Online 11.07.2023 11:15 The BBC Director General faces serious questions about how much the corporation knew about the case when it was brought to their attention by the alleged victim's parents in May....

The claims and counter claims in BBC presenter sex pics scandal are revealed

Home | Mail Online 11.07.2023 21:30 The parents of a teenager claim their child was paid £35,000 for sexually explicit photos by the household name since 2020....

Would Britain's roads be safer if only women drove?

Home | Mail Online 11.07.2023 21:30 It's an age-old trope that women are the more hazardous sex behind the wheel. But not only is this gender stereotype hopefully dying out, it is also statistically untrue....

Bombshell new claims about BBC presenter at centre of '£35k sex pics scandal'

Home | Mail Online 11.07.2023 21:30 The individual in their early 20s was first contacted anonymously by the male presenter on a dating app. They say they were put under pressure to meet up but never did....

Rozchodový sex může být značně euforický 11.07.2023 23:30 Rozchodový sex může mít několik tváří - zábavnou, emocionální a vášnivou, ale také smutnou až depresivní. Tak proč se někdy vyloženě doporučuje? Poznejte pro a proti posledního sexuálního zážitku se svým partnerem!...

Star BBC presenter at the centre of the £35,000 teenage sex pics scandal 'phoned youngster'

Home | Mail Online 10.07.2023 06:15 The BBC presenter at the centre of the £35,000 teenage sex pictures scandal allegedly phoned the youngster after he was exposed....

Dejte zelenou kartu milování během menstruace 10.07.2023 11:15 Žena je v čase její menstruace velmi snadno vzrušivá. Máte to také tak? Chuť na sex se ve vás vzbouzí právě v tu nejmíň vhodnou dobu? I když vám sex během periody připadá nevhodný, hormony mu hrají do karet....

Vedci odhalili, čo sa deje v spálni, ak si dáte víno: Vplyv na SEX, po tomto ho začnete piť hneď! - Zaujímavosti 10.07.2023 12:02 LONDÝN - Výskumníci zistili, že červené víno môže zlepšiť sexuálne funkcie u mužov aj žien. Z ich analýzy vyplýva, že ľudia, ktorí si pravidelne doprajú pohár tohto moku, majú lepší sexuálny život. Výhody sú spôsobené polyfenolmi bohatými na antioxidanty, ktoré sa v ňom nachádzajú....

What are YOUR relationship 'beige flags' based on your star sign?

Home | Mail Online 10.07.2023 15:45 British relationship and sex expert Charlotte Johnson has partnered astrologer Inbaal Honigman to discuss what your beige flags may be - based on your star sign....

What law is the BBC star at centre of sex pics scandal accused of breaking? Could he be jailed?

Home | Mail Online 10.07.2023 15:45 The 'well-known' presenter is accused of handing over £35,000 during a three-year period, which helped to fund the 'spiralling' crack-cocaine addiction of the vulnerable youngster, now aged 20....