Rozšírené hľadanie
Pondelok 17. Jún 2024 |
meniny má Adolf

Hľadané slová - union

Nájdených 15706 článkov.

Úrad pre dohľad: Dôvera a Union si vyplatili miliónové dividendy - Slovensko 06.05.2024 16:31 ÚDZS spresnil, že v prípade Dôvery ide o plánovanú výplatu z nerozdelených ziskov spoločnosti z predchádzajúcich období, konkrétne o zisk z roku 2016 a časť zisku za rok 2018....

How will train strikes affect YOU? Britain faces another week of rail chaos with 16 operators cancelling services from tomorrow as Aslef union stages more walkouts in row over pay

Home | Mail Online 06.05.2024 18:00 Members of the train drivers' union Aslef at 16 operators launched a six-day ban on overtime from today until Saturday - and there will be strike action spread across tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday....

Dôvera a Union vyplatili akcionárom 24 miliónov eur. Palkovič: Nesprávne - Bývanie 06.05.2024 18:30 Spoločnosť Penta , ktorá je akcionárom Dôvery, podotkla, že zdravotná poisťovňa mala koncom roka 2023 nerozdelený zisk z minulosti vo výške 162 miliónov eur....

Dôvera a Union vyplatili akcionárom 24 miliónov eur. Palkovič: Nesprávne - Cestovanie 06.05.2024 18:30 Spoločnosť Penta , ktorá je akcionárom Dôvery, podotkla, že zdravotná poisťovňa mala koncom roka 2023 nerozdelený zisk z minulosti vo výške 162 miliónov eur....

Dôvera a Union vyplatili akcionárom 24 miliónov eur. Palkovič: Nesprávne - Sex a vzťahy 06.05.2024 18:31 Spoločnosť Penta , ktorá je akcionárom Dôvery, podotkla, že zdravotná poisťovňa mala koncom roka 2023 nerozdelený zisk z minulosti vo výške 162 miliónov eur....

Stuart Hogg 'faces a charge of stalking when he appears in court next week' - with ex-Scotland rugby union captain 'accused of engaging in conduct which caused fear and alarm'

Home | Mail Online 04.05.2024 08:01 Former Scotland rugby captain Stuart Hogg will face a charge of stalking when he appears in court on Tuesday....

Euro area bank interest rate statistics: March 2024 - zprávy 03.05.2024 18:45 The European Central Bank is the central bank of the European Union countries which have adopted the euro. Our main task is to maintain price stability in the euro area and so preserve the purchasing power of the single currency....

Irish college fines student union over Gaza protests

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 03.05.2024 19:15 TCD issues fine over loss of income as a result of recent blockades of a tourist attraction....

Students' union is fined £180,000 over pro-Palestine protests which blocked visitor access to the historic Book of Kells

Home | Mail Online 03.05.2024 22:00 The union was told this morning that it has until the end of the month to pay the mammoth penalty....

More Rwanda raids are coming, promise Home Office after up to 20 illegal migrants are detained in dawn arrests for deportation - as union says it has launched a judicial review into the controversial bill

Home | Mail Online 02.05.2024 07:15 Up to 20 illegal migrants were detained in the UK-wide operation, which saw immigration officials take people, including women, into custody....

Civil service union tries to BLOCK Rwanda crackdown claiming its members could be breaking international law if they implement PM's scheme - as first migrants earmarked for removal flights are detained

Home | Mail Online 02.05.2024 07:15 Other legal challenges are also expected, and last night the FDA union, which represents senior civil servants, lodged an application for judicial review....

Trump mocks Biden for reading 'pause' on the teleprompter and asks Wisconsin crowd if Joe's best nickname is 'sleepy' or 'crooked'

Home | Mail Online 02.05.2024 07:15 The presumptive Republican nominee was referencing Biden's speech to union members a week ago where he accidentally read the directive telling him to 'pause'....

Keir Starmer faces clash with Labour's union paymasters as he 'waters down plans to ban zero hours contracts and out-of-hours emails to workers' after backlash from business

Home | Mail Online 02.05.2024 16:46 The New Deal for Working People, championed by Angela Rayner , included commitments to ban zero-hour contracts....

Bundesliga - Schäfer András hosszabbított az Union Berlinnel 01.05.2024 18:15 Schäfer András szerződést hosszabbított csapatával, a német labdarúgó-bajnokságban szereplő Union Berlinnel...

Letter deliveries six days a week are on the verge of being axed, union bosses hint

Home | Mail Online 29.04.2024 06:46 The Communication Workers Union leaders have suggested they will back reforms to the universal service obligation , which legally guarantees deliveries six days a week....