Rozšírené hľadanie
Pondelok 17. Jún 2024 |
meniny má Adolf

Hľadané slová - union

Nájdených 15706 článkov.

Union Berlín získal chorvátskeho útočníka Prtajina 14.06.2024 02:45 Dvadsaťosemročný hráč v uplynulej sezóne vypadol s Wehenom Wiesbaden do tretej ligy, no v novej si zahrá najvyššiu nemeckú súťaž....

Union Berlín získal chorvátskeho útočníka Prtajina - Šport 14.06.2024 05:30 Dvadsaťosemročný hráč v uplynulej sezóne vypadol s Wehenom Wiesbaden do tretej ligy, no v novej si zahrá najvyššiu nemeckú súťaž....

Tributes paid as former England defender and Bolton Wanderers legend Tommy Banks dies, aged 94

Home | Mail Online 14.06.2024 06:31 Banks represented England six times during his career, making his debut against the Soviet Union in Moscow in 1958....

Brutális magyarellenes döntés Luxembourgban: pénzügyi terror 13.06.2024 18:30 Az Európai Unió Bírósága 200 millió euró megfizetésére kötelezte Magyarországot, mert "nem tartja tiszteletben" az uniós jogszabályokat, egyebek között a nemzetközi védelem megadására és a jogellenesen tartózkodó unión kívüli országok állampolgárainak visszatérésére vonatkozó eljárások területén...

Why Europe must safeguard its global currency status - zprávy 12.06.2024 11:30 The European Central Bank is the central bank of the European Union countries which have adopted the euro. Our main task is to maintain price stability in the euro area and so preserve the purchasing power of the single currency....

ECB: The international role of the euro, June 2024 - zprávy 12.06.2024 11:30 The European Central Bank is the central bank of the European Union countries which have adopted the euro. Our main task is to maintain price stability in the euro area and so preserve the purchasing power of the single currency....

Tiffany Trump makes a very rare public appearance as she jets to the UK to join mom Marla Maples at Cambridge University event - two weeks after putting on a show of support for dad Donald at his hush-money trial

Home | Mail Online 11.06.2024 00:00 The former First Daughter, 30, made a rare public appearance on Monday, when she joined Marla at Cambridge University , where the former actress and model was giving a talk at the college's Union....

French police launch tear gas as officers clash with activists during protest against far-Right party's success in European elections

Home | Mail Online 11.06.2024 09:45 French police across the country have launched tear gas at furious activists protesting the far-Right's massive gains in the European Union elections over the weekend. ...

DANIEL HANNAN: The people of Europe are in revolt - and the only Net Zero they want is... Net Zero immigration

Home | Mail Online 11.06.2024 19:30 The people of Europe are in revolt. The political structures of the European Union have been shattered. Its voters have had enough of price rises, political correctness and eco-posturing....

Knives out for Ursula von der Leyen as Charles Michel - a bitter rival since 'sofagate' - moves to BAN her from talks deciding whether she keeps her role as president

Home | Mail Online 11.06.2024 19:30 The two have been bitter rivals ever since 'sofagate', which saw von der Leyen being left without a chair at a meeting between Turkey and the European Union in 2021 to discuss women's rights....

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo announces he will resign after losing to right-wing parties in European elections

Home | Mail Online 10.06.2024 03:16 The European Union elections have claimed yet another political scalp, after Belgium's liberal prime minister resigned following a massive electoral defeat tonight. ...

Na Slovensko udrel cyklón Robert

Ľubomír Galko 09.06.2024 06:01 Máme tu ďalší smerácky virtuózny prúser. Nemecký súd zmietol zo stola pokus Slovenska napadnúť výsledok arbitrážneho súdu, ktorý rozhodol,  že musíme zaplatiť 25 miliónov eur majiteľovi poisťovni Union za protiústavný zákaz zisku. Podpísala sa pod neho prvá Ficova vláda. Ten klikujúci macher, ktorý si „to chcel rozd...

Evropské volby v roce 2024, výsledky - Německo - Odhady výsledků voleb do EP - zprávy 09.06.2024 22:31 Vnitrostátní strany CDU/CSU - Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands/Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern AfD - Alternative für Deutschland SPD - Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands Die Grünen - Bündnis 90/Die Grünen BSW - Bündnis Sahra......

The Slovak Snapshots: Europe elects it's representatives

Cestovanie 08.06.2024 06:15  The European elections will take place in Slovakia on eight of June. Slovaks will elect fifteen MEPs for a five-year term. This elections allow the citizens of the European Union to have their say regularly and to influence the composition and poli...

Cambridge union president is rushed to hospital more than three weeks after he started a hunger strike to protest against 'corruption' and 'nepotism' at university

Home | Mail Online 08.06.2024 12:00 Cambridge Student Union's post-graduate President was stretchered into an ambulance by paramedics 24 days after he started a hunger strike to protest university 'corruption'....