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Hľadané slová - Uranium

Nájdených 239 článkov.

"Teherán mészárosa" – tömegeket végeztetett ki Irán rettegett, keményvonalas elnöke, aki légibalesetben hunyt el tegnap | Szlovákiai magyar hírportál 21.05.2024 04:15 Euronews: Raiszi hivatali ideje alatt fokozta az uránium dúsítását, akadályozta nukleáris technológiájának nemzetközi ellenőrzését, felfegyverezte Oroszországot, és nagyszabású drón- és rakétatámadást indított Izrael ellen. Vihart kavart az a brüsszeli döntés, hogy az iráni elnök helikopter-balesete után Teherán kér...

Uranium Energy Corp v předobchodní fázi posiluje o 5 %, protože USA připravují zákaz ruského uranu - zprávy 01.05.2024 14:00 Akcie společnosti Uranium Energy Corp posilují v předobchodní fázi o téměř 5 % poté, co americký Senát schválil zákaz dovozu ruského uranu a poslal návrh zákona prezidentovi USA Joe Bidenovi. Trh očekává, že omezenější nabídka uranu může vést ......

Warning that vaping may expose teens to URANIUM, lead and other toxic metals which may harm their brain

Home | Mail Online 30.04.2024 04:00 Both frequent and intermittent e-cigarette users had higher lead levels in their urine than those who vaped occasionally, the study of US teenagers found....

Japanese Yakuza boss is charged in NY with trafficking NUCLEAR materials and weapons-grade plutonium after he was caught showing uranium samples destined for Iran to undercover DEA agent in Thailand

Home | Mail Online 21.02.2024 22:46 Prosecutors say that Takeshi Ebisawa, 60, and a co-conspirator, agreed to buy nuclear materials from Burma in the hope that they would be used in the Iranian nuclear weapon program....

Uranium hitting 15-year highs as nuclear power demand surges

Home | Mail Online 03.12.2023 06:01 After years of rhetoric about cutting carbon emissions, many countries are now setting out longer-term ambitions to use nuclear power....

The barren wasteland of America's uranium ghost towns: Inside the remains of mining outpost Jeffrey City, Wyoming, which was all but abandoned after the end of the nuclear arms race - left with just 24 RESIDENTS, one diner, and a school with two students

Home | Mail Online 11.11.2023 16:00 The rural enclave started out as a single homestead but after uranium was discovered in the area and a mine opened in 1957, a drove of workers descended. But now it's a far cry from its heyday....

Why France's Emmanuel Macron is courting Central Asia

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 01.11.2023 21:00 Uranium is of interest to Paris, unsure about its supply of the fuel after a coup in Niger in July....

MH SR podpísalo 20. 12. 2012 Memorandum o porozumení s kanadskou spoločnosťou EUROPEAN URANIUM RESOURCES Ltd.

Blog | 20.10.2023 14:46 Táto spoločnosť mala záujem o ťažbu najväčšieho a najkvalitnejšieho slovenského uránového ložiska – Košice-Jahodná. Predbežná štúdia uskutučniteľnosti preukázala veľký ekonomický potenciál ložiska: -zásoby uránu 12 650 – 18385 ton U3O8 -finančná hodnota ložiska dosahuje 276 miliónov USD -návratnosť ...

UK, France and Germany to keep nuclear sanctions on Iran

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 15.09.2023 12:30 The three nations say Iran is in breach of the 2015 nuclear deal by producing enriched uranium....

UK, France and Germany to keep nuclear sanctions on Iran

BBC News | Middle East | World Edition 15.09.2023 10:45 The three nations say Iran is in breach of the 2015 nuclear deal by producing enriched uranium....

Ukraine war: US to arm Kyiv with depleted uranium tank shells

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 07.09.2023 12:00 It will be the first time the US is sending the armour-piercing munitions to Ukraine....

Ukraine war: UK defends sending depleted uranium shells after Putin warning

BBC News | Europe | World Edition 22.03.2023 05:46 The UK says the depleted uranium shells, which it is sending to Ukraine, are "standard"....

Russia accuses Britain of 'genocide' by supplying Ukraine depleted uranium tank shells

Home | Mail Online 22.03.2023 15:24 Moscow stepped up its onslaught on London after Vladimir Putin said he 'will have to respond properly since the collective West will be using weapons with a nuclear component'....

What is depleted uranium? How deadly shells tipped with dense metal can blast through tank armour

Home | Mail Online 22.03.2023 15:24 Depleted uranium is considerably less reactive than uranium in its natural form. After undergoing the enrichment process, it takes around a million years for the product to become stable....

Russia warns of 'fewer and fewer steps to a NUCLEAR collision' 

Home | Mail Online 21.03.2023 20:00 Vladimir Putin today vowed to 'respond' to Britain's plans to send ammunition that contains depleted uranium as Moscow warned there are 'fewer and fewer steps' to a nuclear collision....