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Sobota 4. Máj 2024 |
meniny má Florián
Estonia Independence Day 2020

Google Dooles 24.02.2020 00:42  Date: February 24, 2020 Today’s Doodle celebrates Estonia Independence Day and 102 years since the country’s declaration as a sovereign republic. Published in the nation’s capital of Tallinn on this day in 1918, the Manifesto to the Peoples of Estonia marked the beginning of a new era of freedom for Estonian people. Observed with concerts, displays of fireworks, and parades with the Estonian flag flying high, today citizens celebrate the national holiday with their family, accompanied with traditional Estonian food such as kiluvõileib possibly complemented with a glass of kali . The nation’s tricolor flag, as shown in the Doodle artwork, symbolizes its nature and cultural history, with blue representing the sea and sky, black representing the hardships of the past, and white representing snow and light. Happy Independence Day, Estonia! ​ Location: Tags: , , , ,