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Pondelok 29. Apríl 2024 |
meniny má Lea
Run InspectCode in your GitHub Actions

25.04.2020 21:36 When you build .NET projects and you are using GitHub Actions to build your code, you cna now run code inspections with InspectCode without hassle. InspectCode is a tool from the free ReSharper Command Line Tools . It can do solution-wide analysis of .NET code. To use it in GitHub Actions, just add this code to 

NetOffice – develop solutions for Microsoft Office apps easily

23.04.2020 00:01 NetOffice is a great .NET library which can be used to develop solutions for Microsoft Office apps. The library supports automation and extension scenarios. Automation Use the NetOffice library to automate Microsoft Office apps. You can generate Office documents, transform and print them. You can automate repetitive actions like adding signatures and pictures to Word documents, 

.gitattributes templates

06.04.2020 00:31 is a service for generating .gitattribute files from templates. The service is inspired by where you can quickly bootstrap your .gitignore files. Choose templates on web interface, or use the very simple API to list template names and generate new .gitattribute file content. To generate .gitattributes file for you web project, just call: Working 

Digital signatures for binaries in open source projects

05.04.2020 00:32 Digital signatures provides proof that the file was authored by a trusted entity. They allow to verify the integrity of applications distributed in binary form. On Windows, software authors use Authenticode to sign the application and its setup package so Windows can verify who made the application and it allows IT adminstrators to create policies